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African culture: the December meetings

Where will the most important meetings in African culture take place during this month of December? There are nine suggestions. Do not hesitate to send your "essentials" to In Cameroon, from 1 to 5 December, Festi7, the second international poetry festival in Yaoundé's seven hills, will be held. Under…

Children affected by HIV are better cared for, African countries will benefit

This Tuesday, December 1, is World AIDS Day. The pandemic is still just as virulent and despite the progress made, the goals are far from being achieved. Among the advances, UNITAID, an international drug procurement organization linked to the WHO, announced on Tuesday an agreement that will enable better care for HIV-positive children in developing countries. The cost of treatment will be greatly…

Dying of Imam Kobine Layama, determine of peace within the Central African Republic

Imam Kobine Layama, President of the Central Islam of the Central African Republic, died on Saturday night, November 28, in Bangui, aged 62. As a member of the Platform for Non secular Confessions, he's thought of by many to be an influential actor for peace within the Central African Republic. He was buried on Sunday within the Muslim cemetery in Boeing. A rally was additionally held on the Al Atiq…

Historical record of West African shea exports 2019-2020

West African shea exports are currently slower, but they broke their record highs last season. The use of this vegetable fat is increasing, especially in Europe. West Africa exported no less than 500,000 tonnes of shea between August 2019 and July 2020, the campaign's start and end dates. This has just been revealed by the…

Anticov, a new African trial to treat the disease is set up

Although the search for a vaccine against Covid-19 seems to be progressing, there is still no effective treatment for the disease. Dozens of clinical trials around the world have failed to find cures for severe forms. However, a new test will try to contribute to the building, and he is African: Anticov, that is his name, will eventually affect 3,000 patients in thirteen countries.…

The African Union is trying a new mediation

It is a new attempt at mediation in Ethiopia to end the conflict between the government and the dissident Tigray region. The latest attempt comes from Cyril Ramaphosa and the African Union. It has now been eighteen days since the clashes took place and caused the flight of more than 30,000 refugees in neighboring Sudan. The UN said on Friday, November 20, that it expects 200,000 in total. To end the fighting, many countries and international organizations have called for a ceasefire for two weeks. Calls are systematically…

satirical and happy reactions from African internet users

On social networks, Internet users from the continent had a fantastic time ahead of the ups and downs of the US presidential election, which they compared to African situations. Role reversal, funny comments, imagination were in power before Joe Biden's victory was announced. For many African internet users, humor prevailed in…

Anti-Covid-19 measures at West African airports: a regrettable cacophony

While ECOWAS is in a delicate position in the current political crises in the region, especially in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire, where elections are being held under pressure today, you have chosen to emphasize the lack of regional coordination of health measures. at airports, a coordination that could have made life easier for travelers in West Africa since the reopening of air borders.…

The UN, AU and ECCAS are finishing up their joint mission within the Central African Republic

The Joint Mission of the Secretary-Common of the United Nations for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the Commissioner for Peace and Safety of the African Union (AU), Ambassador Smail Chergui and the President of the Fee of the Central African Financial Neighborhood (ECCAS), Ambassador Gilberto da Piedade Veríssimo Friday, October thirtieth. They met the President of the Republic, non secular…

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