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teachers start their strike movement

In the DRC, teachers who are members of the Union of Teachers of the Congo (SYECO) and those affiliated with the National Union of Catholic Teachers (SYNECAT) have started their strike movement. They demand improvement in their pay conditions. They also suspect the presence of tens of thousands of fictitious teachers on the payrolls. After promises made especially by the President of the Republic, the…

excitement around vocal collection and compilation

In Guinea, in the wake of the presidential election, where the government and the opposition accuse each other of intimidation against their representatives, it is now the preparation and publication of the results that is crystallizing the tensions. . The government warns the political parties that themselves want to publish the results of the polling stations by claiming that only CENI is authorized…

the opposition demands a revision of the electoral register, ANE is against it

In the Central African Republic, more than 1.84 million people are registered on the preliminary electoral rolls, not including the voters in the north-west of the country who will be added. These lists have been published nationwide since the middle of last week, according to the National Election Authority. ANE therefore believes that the election process is going as planned. The opposition steps up…

ex-warlord Gédéon Kyungu Mutanga reappears in a video

In the DRC, a video presenting Gédéon Kyungu Mutangapost on the night of Saturday to Sunday, October 18, caused a sensation. Six months after he disappeared from circulation, Gédéon calls for the reunification of the four provinces as a result of the former Katanga. His entourage as well as security sources ensure that the video is authentic.…

Andry Rajoelina announces the end of the state of health

The President of the Republic Andry Rajoelina delivered for the last time on Sunday evening, October 18, his bi-monthly speech, which has been introduced since the start of the incarceration in March. as reported from Antananarivo, Laure Verneau"We won the war. It is with this sentence that Andry Rajoelina declared Madagascar…

young doctors worried about the deteriorating health situation

The country, which on October 18 had 626 deaths and 40,542 cases, saw its hospitals nearly saturated, and young doctors were often at the forefront of emergencies. as reported from Tunis Lilia blaiseOne Sunday morning near the emergency department of Rabta Hospital in Tunis, a young doctor who wishes to remain anonymous is…

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