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Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed visits Libya,

Tunisian President Kaïs Saied arrived in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Wednesday, March 17, to welcome the emergence of the new Libyan national unity government and revive the important exchanges for the two countries. This after ten years of civil war in Libya. The Tunisian president wants to be quick: he is making his first…

Laurent Nsubu Katende, Kasai militia chief,

This usual commander was the commander-in-chief of a militia linked to the armed uprising of Kamuina Nsapu, a rebel fighting government forces between 2016 and 2019. He, along with his militia, is accused of abusing civilians in KasaïCentral province in early 2017. He was convicted this afternoon by the Kanangas military court.…

the advance vote of the navy doesn’t

In Congo-Brazzaville, the presidential election will take place on March 21. But the defense and security forces will be called to the polls on Wednesday, March 17. This is a preliminary study and a first experiment that the country is trying. For the authorities, this vote should save time because the police will only deal with securing the vote on D-Day. The opposition and civil society see it…

Within the Ivory Coast, hippos are a hazard

In the southern part of Côte d'Ivoire, near Tiassalé, along the Bandama River, fishermen of Malian descent complain of the growing number of accidents, sometimes fatal, that follow attacks by hippos, a protected and vulnerable species. According to them, animals are becoming more and more aggressive and some are now considering giving up their traditional occupations because of this daily danger. For…

Within the DRC the issue of paying pensions

At least 2,000 railway workers from the Congo National Railway Company, SNCC, must retire. They have been qualified for some for 7 years but remain active in the company. They therefore receive their salary due to lack of financial resources to pay their final bill. In early March, however, the SNCC managed to retire 250 workers thanks to support from the Congolese government. The situation for SNCC…

Presidential Election in Congo-Brazzaville: Albert

The bottom line is poverty. A life of misery indeed. Although only to transport themselves, they do not manage to transport themselves. Someone who does not seem to heal himself. There are primary, elementary needs that citizens must have. Albert Oniangué, independent candidate Laurent Correau .

Mauritanian El-Ghassim Wane, new envoy

El-Ghassim Wane was appointed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday. He will replace Chadian Mahamat Saleh Annadif at the head of Minusma, this important UN peacekeeping force that has nearly 14,500 men in Mali. A lawyer by training, El-Ghassim Wane studied in Senegal and France before rising through the ranks of…

new terrorist assault within the area

In Niger, at least 30 people died in a terrorist attack near Banibangou in the Tillabéry region in the western part of the country. According to security sources, villagers were attacked on Monday. The gunmen allegedly carried out their attacks on two axes, two roads connecting Banibangou with China goods on one side and to…

“Peace and work”, the major expectations in

A nearby region of Brazzaville, the pool plunged back into violence between 2016 and 2017 due to competition for the results of the presidential election. Former rebel leader Frédéric Bintsamou, alias Pasteur Ntumi, said at the weekend that the March 21 presidential election would not be an opportunity to awaken old demons. The people of Pool as a whole have the same prayer, called Mindouli, where the young people only need work. Instead of Mindouli station with its buildings still bearing the scars of war, night is…

Madagascar shocked by video from funeral

In Madagascar, it's a short video that has not stopped running on social networks since this weekend. This is the funeral of a young domestic worker at the non-Muslim cemetery in Jubai, Saudi Arabia. The young woman's body, wrapped in a single white sheet, is buried using a bulldozer. Images that aroused emotion and indignation among a population that respected funeral rituals, and which in turn revive…

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