Villa Somalia Releases Mandates Against Laftagareen After High-Profile Consultation

Villa Somalia Lays Down Orders to Laftagareen After Crucial Assembly

MOGADISHU, Sept 16 (AX) – The Somali presidency has reportedly rolled out new directives to challenge South West State’s President Abdiaziz Laftagareen’s administration, insiders divulged.

These directives were hashed out in a secretive parley at Villa Somalia, the presidential domicile, attended by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, and House Speaker Sheikh Adan Mohamed Nur (Madobe).

From sources in the loop, President Mohamud made it clear that any dialogue with Laftagareen hinges on him trekking to Mogadishu. The president took a hardline stance, nixing any concessions as long as Laftagareen stays put in Baidoa, the hub of South West State.

Word on the street suggests Villa Somalia is stirring up a hornet’s nest against Laftagareen, potentially rallying opposition gatherings in Mogadishu’s hotels where dissenters can air their grievances against the South West State leadership. Rumor also has it that opposition members might be shuttled to Barawe for a political rally.

Friction between the federal government and South West State authorities has been intensifying, stoking fears of possible showdowns in Barawe. Locals are jittery about a potential armed skirmish between South West State forces and federal troops nestled in the vicinity.

The plot is thickening, with watchers keeping a hawk’s eye on the maneuvers from both quarters as they strive to dampen tensions and uphold tranquility throughout the region.


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