Northeastern State Troops Seize Major ISIS Base in Cal-Miskaad Mountains

Northeastern State Forces Sweep Up ISIS Bastion in the Rugged Hills of Cal-Miskaad

Axadle – A triumph for the embattled Northeastern State Counter-Terrorism Forces as they clinched Turmasaale, a hotbed of ISIS activity nestled in the forbidding crags of the Cal-Miskaad mountain range. The win didn’t come easy; it was the fruit of grueling skirmishes that stretched over two nerve-wracking days, according to a hardened officer who has witnessed the campaign unfold.

Picture this: Turmasaale, a speck on the outskirts of Toga Jaceel in the rugged Cal-Miskaad peaks, was more than just territory. It was, in fact, a veritable fortress for these militants—a linchpin from which they spun their web. But now, as the winds of change sweep the mountains, we hear from a resolute officer that the insurgents are rapidly improvising their tracks—thanks to the unstinting advances of the Northeastern State forces. Those soldiers, just flesh and bone like the rest of us, are in hot pursuit, engaged in a relentless chase against the remaining insurgent stragglers.

Breathe in this piece of liberation history: since launching this upward struggle, the Northeastern State forces have expansively unwrapped over 260 kilometers of contested terrain—ground once held with steadfast grit or indirect influence by ISIS. Strikingly, the recaptured territories are a tapestry of over 100 secret nooks—ranging from food stash holes, ammo stockpiling bunkers, make-do medical tents, and crude training circles for recruits.

The combat-weary officer recounted plans to anchor their presence firmly in reclaimed patches, while the ever-prepared Northeastern State government is poised to roll out critical services to the civilians rediscovering their standing in these newly freed lands. With a touch of hardness masked by resolve, he confided, “This is war. Our men go down,” confirming injuries among the ranks in today’s fierce exchanges.

Before a humble scroll-up, he summoned the Northeastern State kinfolk, calling on all Somalis to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in defiance against the tides of global terror that seek to root themselves in the loamy soils of Somalia.

By now, the sustained campaign in Cal-Miskaad has radiated a spotlight on the cosmopolitan wave of international combatants augmenting the militants’ ranks. Many, alleges security cognoscenti, hail from Arab borders, slices of Africa, and other distant lands. Starry-eyed analysts weave a yarn of the Somali ISIS cluster being mere strands of the larger swarm birthed in the furnace of Syria and Iraq. Their modus operandi spirals through guerrilla warfare, menacing extortion, and the blinds of shadowy commerce, all knitting a tight mesh to buoy their undertakings. The untamed wilderness like Cal-Miskaad serves as their clandestine realm for plotting with an eerie quiet for regrouping.

As the final echo of steel clashing against resolve fades, we can only wonder: what next for these embattled territories now gingerly stepping into peace’s embrace?

Report By Axadle

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