Ma’awisley Troops Initiate Assault on al-Shabaab in Hiiraan

Beledweyne (AX) — On Sunday, Ma’awisley warriors launched a focused offensive against Al-Shabaab militants in Hiiraan region, specifically eyeing zones close to the Halgan district. This assault homed in on spots along the Shabelle River, purportedly where Al-Shabaab fighters regrouped after crossing from the west.

As per a Ma’awisley leader, their efforts successfully dismantled Al-Shabaab’s gatherings and inflicted hefty damages. “The hideouts of the Khawarij have been obliterated,” the official declared, employing a term that disparages Al-Shabaab. “We will chase them everywhere—along the river and up into the craggy hills. I’m calling on those in hiding to clear out, pronto.”

Although the leader didn’t reveal casualty numbers, he confirmed hitting Al-Shabaab’s strongholds in the area.

The Ma’awisley is an indigenous militia born from community members in central and southern Somalia as a defensive measure against Al-Shabaab’s tyranny, such as forced taxes and conscription. Sprouted from Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle, they function as localized, clan-based forces with an intimate grasp of the terrain. Their decentralized setup aids swift responses to threats but also brings hiccups like erratic operations and possible skirmishes with other armed factions.

Ma’awisley plays a pivotal role in the ongoing skirmishes with Al-Shabaab, bolstering the counterinsurgency campaign alongside the Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM. Often stepping in as de facto law enforcers in areas lacking formal security forces, their activities have ignited national discussions on seamlessly integrating these militias into the broader security framework while balancing clan dynamics.

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