a government seminar to strengthen its

This is the third year that this type of seminar has been organized since Felix Tshisekedi’s arrival in power. The goal is to create a management that gives results. At the inauguration, on Thursday, July 22, 2021, the Congolese head of state announced his guidelines and insisted on the importance of setting precise goals and strengthening controls on government action.

With our special correspondent in Kinshasa, Sonia Rolley

The purpose of this seminar is first and foremost to strengthen good management while some of the members of this first government of the Holy Union have some or even no experience in dealing with the affairs of the state. It consists mainly of expert information on important aspects of governance, from government functioning to procurement.

There is no question of giving them a university education, he explains Felix Tshisekedi, but rather to provoke internal debates: “This will only be possible if both parties avoid any rhetoric, any dogmatic position and above all the refusal to understand and accept the critical nuances specific to any debate.”

While within its majority, the Holy Union, there are already tensions over a bill that excludes presidential elections and other sovereign functions of all Congolese who do not have a father and mother of Congolese nationality. President Tshisekedi insisted on the importance of government cohesion in order to achieve results: “Therefore, each of you is expected to avoid partisan opposition. There is no place to satisfy any moral authority. “

Félix Tshisekedi said that he himself would monitor the results of his government and other institutions or public companies through the Presidential Council for Strategic Guards. He called on his ministers to work with the members of this council.


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