Qalbidhagax oo gaaray Nairobi – AxadleTM

Sarkaalka ONLF C/kariin Sheekh Muuse Qalbidhagax oo Khamiistii laga sii daayay Xabsi ku yaal Itoobiya ayaa ka dhoofay Garoonka Bole ee Magaalada Adis-Ababa. Qalbidhagax, Waxa uu gaaray Magaalada Nairobi ee Xarunta dalka Kenya oo ay kasoctay qabanqaabo balaaran oo loogu jiro soo dhaweyntiisa, Dadka soo dhaweynaya ayaa isugu jira shacab taageero u haya Sarkaalka iyo Xubno kamid ah ONLF oo si caadi ah Nairobi u jooga. Gawaari ay ku ixranyihiin Cod baahiyayaal, ayna ku dheganyihiin…

Hay’adda dembi-baarista Soomaaliya oo xirtay afhayeenkii hore ee Galmudug

Hay’adda Dambi baarista Soomaaliya ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho ka soo saartay maanta warqad u yeeris ah oo ku socotay  Afhayeenkii hore ee Maamulka Galmudug Cabdullahi Xaashi Faarax. Cabdullahi ayaa maalma ka hor sheegay in Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku xireen Muqdisho,isaga oo xusay in ay ka qaadeen Sawirro aan anshax ahaan wanaagsaneyn. Waxaa uu sheegay in lagu heystay farriin uu boggiisa Facebook,  ku qoray taas oo uu uga hadlay  siideynta Cabdikariin Sh. Muuse…

Duqa Muqdisho oo xoolaha ka mamnuucay gudaha Magaalada,Wareegto

Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho C/Raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray ku mamnuucay Xoolaha lagu siidaayo Magaalada gudaheeda. Wareegtadan waxaa uu digniin ugu diray dadka leh Xoolaha,waxaana uu ku sheegay in qofkii saddex jeer la ganaaxo ee aan xoolaheeda ka celin magaalada lagala wareegayo. Xoolahan,waxaa ay isugu jiraan Ari Lo’ iyo Geel,waxaana caadi ka ah Magaalada in aad ku dhex aragto Xoole daaqaya. Maamulladii ka horreeyay…

Waa maxay Nidaamka Matelaadda Isu Dheelitiran?

Sida uu dhigayo heshiiskii ay wada gaareen dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad-goboleedyada ee ka soo baxay shirkii golaha amniga qaranka oo ka dhacay Baydhaba June-2018; HabkaDoorashooyinka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaliya ee Sanadka 2020, waxa uu noqonayaa nidaamka Matelaadda Isu Dheelitiran ee nooca Liiska Xiran (Proportional Representation –Closed List) War-murtiyeed laga soo saaray shirkii Golaha Amniga Qaranka Haddaba waa maxay nidaamka Matelaadda Isu Dheelitiran ee nooca Liiska Xiran?Qormadan waxa ku jira lafa-gur…

Falanqeyn: Is-afgaradka Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya

Hordhac: 3; Raisalwasaare oo Itoobiya yeelatay kaddib burburka xukunkii Mingiste ayaa Booqday Muqdisho, Raisalwasaare Abiy Axmed Cali; waa raisalwasaarihii 3aad ee yimaada Muqdisho isaga oo haysta casuumadda madax Soomaaliyeed, waxa ka horreeyey raisalwasaare Meles Zenawi Asres oo June-2007; ku yimid Muqdisho booqashadii loo bixiyey Booqashada ku soo boodka, waxa xigay raisalwasaare Hailemariam Desalegn oo isna booqasho rasmi ah ku yimid Muqdisho toban sano kaddib booqashadii…

Exiled Jammeh invited to attest earlier than Gambia govt inquiry

Exiled Gambian president, Yahya Jammeh, his family and close allies have formally been invited by a Commission of Inquiry looking into his assets. President Adama Barrow in July 2017 inaugurated the 3-member Janneh commission of inquiry to look into the assets of Jammeh. Barrow said at the time that the move was “another step in our change agenda for good governance.” It is not known to who in particular Jammeh’s invitation was addressed because he is currently resident outside the country. According to the local…

Somalia: the EU and the migration disaster

The EU has agreed on a sequence of measures to take care of the disaster. These embrace attempting to deal with the foundation causes of the disaster and dramatically enhance assist to individuals in want of humanitarian assist inside and out of doors the EU. Steps are being taken to relocate asylum seekers already in Europe, resettle individuals in want from neighboring nations and return people who find themselves not eligible for asylum. The EU improves border safety, combats migrant smuggling and supplies safe…

New Ethiopian Prime Minister – Can he ship?

Within the grip of rampant unemployment, ethnic unrest, more and more shrinking political area for voices of dissent, the weakened Ethiopian Folks's Revolutionary Democratic Entrance (EPRDF) has chosen 42-year-old Abiy Ahmed as its subsequent Premier. minister. Many observers in Addis Ababa acknowledge the reformist credentials of the brand new prime minister, whereas doubting his potential to make significant modifications to resolve a few of the burning points. As a younger, well-educated chief who grew up in a…

Somalia: the failure of Puntland beneath Gaas’ management

AXADLE, Puntland - Puntland is a semi-anti-mouse area in Somalia that controls extra of the nation. This area is situated within the northeast of Somalia. On January 8, 2014, the Puntland parliament elected Abdiwali Gaas as the brand new president and chief of Puntland. Many Somali teachers and intellectuals welcomed him and their expectations had been too excessive since he bought a doctorate. in economics and improvement, graduated from the perfect colleges on this planet Its slogan was to battle corruption and…

Ethiopia on the crossroads of ethnic challenges

The present disaster in Ethiopia displays unfinished enterprise. This unfinished enterprise is the nation's nationwide query and the illusory democratization that has been Ethiopia's insuperable issues for half a century. Small reforms on the high, which the Addis authorities sees as a band-aid, might solely be a short lived answer. Here's a listing of a few of the major points to think about when analyzing the important points Ethiopia faces. The federal government in Addis Ababa, which was baptized by the…

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