This is the worst meals on your tooth, says the dentist

Between the relaxed atmosphere of the summer and the pandemic-related changes in your routine, if you’ve let yourself grow a little relaxed about your personal care routine lately — yes, that definitely does not exclude you. But of all the snacks and sips that you may have enjoyed, there are some that can seriously damage your teeth if you do not practice decent dental hygiene. What is the worst food and drink for your teeth? We have the answer, from an authority.

Dr. Ronald Plotka, DDS, is a Boston area dentist with over 40 years of experience, executive director of the dental program at Marian Court College and founder of toothbrushes from MouthWatchers with natural antimicrobial floss brushes. When the end of summer invites to a little more discipline and routine in your days, Dr. Plotka shared exclusively with Eat this, not that! what foods to keep in mind as we head toward autumn.

The worst food for your teeth


Maybe not a shocker, Plotka says that the high concentration of sugar in sweets – especially sticky or sour sweets – interacts with bacteria within plaques and releases a hard acid that breaks down the enamel. This leads to cavities and tooth decay.

Even worse, sweets that stick to the teeth can prolong acid production and increase the risk of tooth decay.

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white bread

Plotka explains that bread is a dental health remedy because your saliva breaks down the starch of the bread into sugar. That sugar gives way to acid production, which breaks down the teeth.

Fortunately, this dentist can afford for anyone who does not want to completely give up bread! “Choose wholemeal bread that has minimal sugar,” he says.


group of friends at party on the roof

There is nothing wrong with letting the good times roll … but when the party ends, Plotka recommends you brush up. “Alcohol causes dry mouth, which means there is a lack of saliva to wash away cavities that cause sugar acids,” he explains. A preventative pointer? “Remember to drink water while enjoying alcohol responsibly!”

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If you regularly enjoy any of these sweets, Plotka assures you: “Do not worry!” He then offers food and professional tips that can help keep your mouth healthy.

Favorable food for your teeth

Fruit and vegetables

fruit vegetables

“Any vegetable or fruit that is rich in fiber is a good choice for your oral health,” says Plotka. “The fibrous consistency of the fruit or vegetable can help keep the teeth clean and trigger saliva production.” He adds that these are also good for “oral clearance” of sticky foods that stick to the teeth.

Vegetables and fruits are also valuable for your gums, says Plotka, because they provide vitamins, minerals and nutrients that help support gums and bone health.

In particular, Plotka lists celery, carrots, green vegetables and apples among the ingredients he recommends for good oral health.

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dairy products that jug milk containers yogurt cheese on canvas

Plotka calls dairy products “a home run” for your teeth and adds: “Not only does milk, cheese and yogurt produce significant saliva, but the calcium and phosphates found in dairy products help remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel.”

Low sugar food

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Plotka says it is important to deliberately choose low-sugar foods – not only because of what he explained about sweets, but also for this fascinating reason: “Low-sugar foods reduce the risk of inflammation, which can lead to the breakdown of gums.”

Read 5 best new low-sugar wines on shelves and the best food to reduce inflammation and slow aging, experts say.


drinking water

Plotka says that a key to keeping your teeth healthy is to sip water all day. This will “help flush out sugar acid and ward off plaque buildup,” he explains.

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Eat your sweets with your meals.

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An insightful tip for anyone with an incessantly sweet tooth: “If you can not live without your sweet candies, eat them at meals when they are most likely to be washed away due to extra saliva production,” says Plotka. (Must love the real solutions!)

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