5 Effective Yoga Poses for Reducing Belly Fat

Whether you’re looking for a spiritual connection, a meditative escape, or a toned physique, yoga has something to offer everyone. And if you haven’t tried yoga for weight loss, you’re missing out. We chatted with a fitness pro who shares five of the best yoga exercises to lose belly fat and sculpt a stronger, leaner body.

Why yoga? Well, a 2022 meta review published in Obesity science and practice concluded that a regular yoga practice can help significantly reduce your body mass index (BMI). Among yoga’s many health benefits, there’s a little-known secret: Certain yoga poses are powerhouses for sculpting and strengthening the abdominal region. If you’re eager to learn more, we’re here today with the top five yoga exercises to lose belly fat.

Get excited, because you don’t have to contort yourself into every pose imaginable or have gymnast-level flexibility to reap the benefits for your abs. Just a handful of common moves will do the trick. However, it is important to note that yoga alone will not help you shrink belly fat.

Jesse Zucker, CPTan NCSF certified personal trainer and certified yoga instructor at Barbed wireexplains, “If you want to lose fat from your belly, it’s important to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, manage stress and sleep well. You can’t target places on your body to lose fat, but you can do these five yoga poses to build your abs and core strength These poses work multiple muscle groups to raise your heart rate and burn more calories.

So whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned yogi looking to refine your routine, the following five moves are killer for tightening your abs. Let’s explore how to perform the five best yoga exercises to lose belly fat.

Boat Pose

boat posing

Boat pose requires you to balance on the bottom while your body forms a “V” shape. This move engages your abs to maintain stability while toning your midsection and building a foundation for a flatter stomach.

“Boat pose is performed on the floor, balancing on the tailbone with the torso and legs off the ground,” says Zucker. “You can keep your legs bent or straighten them for more of a challenge. Holding this position engages your abs to keep your upper body up, your spine straight and your legs lifted.”

Hold your boat pose for 30 seconds and repeat it three times. To make it more of a challenging ab workout, start in boat pose, lower down into a hollow body position, and come back up into your boat pose. Do three sets of 10 reps for this advanced variation.

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Plank Pose

plank poseplank pose

Planks are a classic abdominal exercise. In addition to engaging your abs, the plank pose strengthens your shoulders, arms and legs. Think of it as a full body toner with the tummy-shrinking benefits as the cherry on top.

“Plank pose is a powerful full-body pose that works your entire core while simultaneously strengthening your upper and lower body. As you hold your plank, you pull your belly button toward your spine to engage and squeeze your abs,” says Zucker.

Perform three sets of 30 to 45 seconds of plank position.

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Side Plank Pose

side plankside plank

The side plank challenges more than your balance. It targets your obliques (side abs), contributing to a well-defined waist.

“The side plank strengthens one side at a time while working one arm at a time. Be sure to lift your lower hip off the floor to further work your obliques,” explains Zucker.

Aim for three sets of 20- to 30-second planks per side.

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Bridge Pose

bridge posebridge pose

Known primarily for its spine and hip stretching benefits, the bridge pose is a sneaky belly fat blaster. When you lift your hips toward the ceiling, your core is actively engaged, ensuring that your abs get the workout they deserve.

“Bridge pose is often touted as a backbend in yoga, but it’s also a great core and glutes exercise,” says Zucker. “Try to keep your lower back straight and pull your navel toward your spine to engage your abs as you lift your hips. Squeeze your glutes at the top of your bridge.

Do three sets of 10 to 12 bridges. Alternatively, hold your bridge for 30 seconds and repeat three times.

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Chair Pose

chair posechair pose

This pose requires you to sink into an imaginary chair while keeping your core tight and engaged, which will speed up belly fat loss.

Zucker says, “Chair pose will work your whole body while strengthening your abs. You’re holding the bottom of a squat and using your abs to lift your torso and spine straight. It’s a great workout for your lower body. Also, that supporting your weight will raise your heart rate, leading to a greater calorie burn. Be careful not to collapse your upper body to get the greatest benefits.”

Hold your chair position for 30 to 45 seconds and repeat three times. Alternatively, you can perform three sets of five chair poses while holding the pose for 15 seconds.

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