10 scientific psychological methods to lose extra

Do we dare to ask how your weight loss goals have gone? If you start to fall off the treadmill track, it may be time to call in some reinforcement. And hey, it’s happening to the best of us! But we are here to help you get back on track and remind you that achieving these goals is not only physical but also mental.

So we turned to science to reveal some very important scientific methods to make you lose weight. These tips will lift you up by your sports bra straps (or tank top) and snap you back into your routine. And if you’re looking for more motivation to get you to your goal, check out these 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips that actually work.

If you have taped a photo of a thin model in your pantry to prevent you from taking a cake or if you are obsessed with before and after photos and only follow models on Instagram, you can sabotage your own weight loss goals. Women who received weight loss diaries with a skinny model on the front and each page did not lose weight; in some cases, they actually gained pounds, according to a study from December 2012 published in International Journal of Research in Marketing. Meanwhile, the women who had neutral images in their magazines and did not see the skinny model images lost. If you journal (and weight loss experts say you should!), Do not miss these 10 tips for keeping a food diary for weight loss.

woman putting money in the piggy bank

If you want a safe way to lose weight, invest in it. A study from 2013 from the Mayo Clinic suggests that money can be a motivator for weight loss. Participants in a weight loss group who had financial incentives – such as cash rewards for meeting goals and having to pay in a pot of money if you miss the mark – were more likely to lose weight than those who only received weight loss training and behavior modification programs. Those in the money groups lost an average of 9.08 pounds while their peers lost 2.34 pounds.

female friends at the gym

Find yourself as a friend! A study from the University of Pennsylvania which tracked 217 doctoral students enrolled in free training courses at the campus gym revealed the power of having a friend. What happened: Part of the group received motivational videos and infographics with fitness tips. The other group was placed on social networks and gave each other updates on fitness performance. At the end of the 13-week study, researchers found that the advertising messages gave a small bolt in the gym attendance, but the motivation did not stop. The more social group? They went to the gym more! Not in the gym anyway? Do not miss these 21 ways to sneak.

a mature woman with closed eyes sitting on the couch and holding the line with legal marijuana.

Puff, puff, pass … on the pot. A study from July 2013 from Imperial College London found that long-term marijuana users tend to produce less dopamine, which is the chemical in the brain that is linked to motivation. The good news: Study authors think the effects of this study are reversible if you quit smoking and eating cookies.

stop smoking

Your lungs and brain cooperate with this “quit smoking” message. A study published in Respirology found that not only are smokers less active, but they become lazy because they then lack the internal motivation to change. Worried that you will eat more when you quit smoking? Learn more about these 17 reasons why you eat too much (and how to quit!) And you will be healthier, thinner and happier in no time!


Losing weight can be socially contagious. At least that’s what a study published in the journal Obesity was found while watching team-based weight loss competitions. Participants who lost at least 5% of their original body weight tended to be grouped in the same team. The researchers concluded that being surrounded by others with similar goals can be a boon for weight loss efforts. Bonus Tip: If you’re in a real Biggest Loser group, you can sign up to be a team captain because they lost the most in this study.

apple watch fitness tracker

If you trust your fitness tracker to be your responsibility partner, you may be missing the mark. A study from the University of Pittsburgh found that activity monitors are not reliable tools to help with weight loss. After two years, researchers found that participants who carried the tracks and participated in a behavioral weight loss program lost less weight than those who were simply involved in the behavioral weight loss program. Those with trackers lost an average of 7.7 pounds, while those who just received health advice reported an average loss of 13 pounds.

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Giving yourself a pep talk can help you run faster on the treadmill or the champion who is advancing on the yoga mat. But there is a specific phrase that you must use to motivate yourself, according to a study published in Limits to psychology. These magic words that increase your chances of success? “I can do better.” Now that you know the four magic words, here are 33 tips for total confidence to really strengthen your A-game.

you practice running outdoors

Here’s another motivational trick to play on yourself. Do not let the scale be your motivator. Instead, a December 2013 study from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business says that if you want to lose weight, it’s better to just enjoy your workout. By focusing on the activity and the pleasure you get from it – whether it’s a super fun dance lesson or a spinning bike sweat sesh – you can keep your motivation.

healthy breakfast bowl

How easy is this? Call yourself a “healthy eater”. That’s all. According to a study in the journal Self-identity, individuals who identify with a particular role begin to take on the characteristics. Think of it this way: “You eat what you are.” For more motivational hack, do not miss these 40 tips for motivation that actually work!

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