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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

The United States is sending a statement of support

The US Secretary of State met with his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, in Paris. The issue of the fight against terrorism in the Sahela was raised in particular, while President Emmanuel Macron announced the in-depth transformation of Operation Barkhane in Mali. A change that should not call into question US support for the region.…

In Burkina Faso, the political opposition is interrupting

Work on the dialogue should resume on 3 July. These opposition parties intend to protest against the government's inability "to meet the attacks attributed to jihadist groups. The opposition still demands the resignation of the head of government and the Minister of Defense. The announcement was made last Friday during a press conference.…

Infox in Burkina Faso, pictures are derived from

Earlier this week, Burkinabé's General Staff announced the dismantling of three terrorist bases in eastern Burkina Faso during operations between June 14 and 16. But in the networks, a counterfeit account circulates along with photos that have nothing to do with this news. Images of victims of terrorism are used for propaganda purposes. Chronicle produced in collaboration with Solène Gardré from EPJT,…

civil society organizations want

About fifteen of them submitted a text "ready for use" on Thursday, June 24, which could serve as a model for a team. This is a lobbying operation because 18 years after the end of the last civil war, a number of the most infamous warlords and suspected criminals have not yet been brought to justice. The text of the law was…

between GSIM and IS, the issue of reputation

Three weeks after the Solhan massacre in Burkina Faso, the Burkinabè government assigned the attack to the support group for Islam and Muslims, linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. What GSIM denies. Now it is their Islamic State rivals who are communicating on the subject. In its latest Al-Naba propaganda review, the…

tensions in the Assembly over drafts

In Senegal, an important security device was placed near the National Assembly on Friday, June 25, where draft amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code must be reviewed by deputies. The majority assures that it is about "strengthening the fight against terrorism". The opposition condemns "liberticidal" texts against the right to demonstrate.…

Lee White, Gabonese Minister of Forestry

On 22 June 2021, Gabon became the first African country to be paid for by international funds to help it continue its efforts to protect the forests on its territory. The Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI), an organization launched in 2015 by the UN, awarded Gabon $ 17 million. "Today the economy" portrays Lee White. This 50-year-old, of British descent, has lived in Gabon for 32 years and has stopped taking his nationality. He has therefore been Gabon's Minister for Water and Forests, the Sea and the Environment…

In Senegal promoged in response to the colossal

The project to promote integrated management and the economy for solid waste (Promoged) was officially launched on Thursday 24 June in Mbeubeuss, a giant landfill in the city of Malika, on the outskirts of Dakar. as reported from Dakar,Charlotte idracIt is an open dump at the gate to Dakar: the Mbeubeuss website, which opened in…

Concerns about the future of Burkina Faso’s forests

Every year, the country loses about 247,000 hectares of forest. A very worrying situation according to the Ministry of the Environment that requires a change in behavior. In connection with the international tree fair that is currently taking place in Ouagadougou, specialists explain to the population the various techniques for preserving nature.…

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