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East Africa

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Somaliland: Breakaway The Somali region holds

The people of Somaliland will vote on Monday in parliamentary and local elections and highlight progress in the semi-autonomous region of Somalia, which over the years has avoided the destructive violence that afflicts other parts of the country in the Horn of Africa. More than 1 million of Somaliland's 4 million people are registered voters. The region has invited international observers to the election, including politicians from elsewhere in Africa. Somaliland broke away from Somalia in 1991 when the country…

in Goda, in Tigray, haunted inhabitants of a

Protesters marched on the streets of Addis Ababa on Sunday, May 30, 2021, to condemn US sanctions against Ethiopian and Eritrean officials. Washington is concerned about human rights abuses during the Tigray War. RFI was able to document a massacre perpetrated by the Eritreans, the allies of the Ethiopian troops. In Goda, soldiers led residents around a bottle factory. They performed them on the…

Somalia’s opposition to lodging complaints with the Election Committee

Somalia's opposition to lodging complaints with members of the Nomination Committee MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Union of Presidential Candidates has been given the opportunity to lodge complaints against certain members of the Election Commission ahead of Somalia's votes as one of the preliminary agreements signed last week and witnessed by dozens of stakeholders. Stakeholders agreed to have…

Northeastern State’s security forces seize Somaliland’s ballot papers beforehand

Northeastern State's security forces seize Somaliland's ballot papers before the region's ballots AXADLE, Northeastern State - Authorities in Northeastern State have seized ballot boxes intended for elections in Somaliland, which started today , as the head of the Separation Region for local and parliamentary elections for the first time in 16 years. North Western of Somalialast held…

a big vote for an unknown state

Somalilanders are called to the polls on Monday, May 31. These legislative and municipal elections constitute an important contribution to this territory that is not recognized by the international community. as reported from Nairobi, Albane ThirouardSomaliland organizes its legislative and municipal elections on Monday. The…

ISIS strikes in Somalia’s Northeastern State as forces kill Pakistanis

ISIS strikes in Somalia's Northeastern State as forces kill Pakistani jihadists BOSSASO, Northeastern State - The ISIS-affiliated militants suffered a significant blow after the death of a foreign top jihadist, who has served the group for a couple of years, in their quest to control the war-torn Horn of Africa. With declining capacity, the ISIS member company has limited itself to Northeastern…

demonstration following US sanctions

One week after the imposition of US sanctions on Ethiopia, Addis Ababa is mobilizing and countering. Tens of thousands of Ethiopians have expressed their dissatisfaction with the government's call. On the capital streets, the slogan was: "Hands off Ethiopia". as reported from Addis Ababa, Noé Rochet-BodinUS sanctions come…

the conflict in Tigray forces children to beg

It has been almost seven months since the conflict began in Tigray, a province in northern Ethiopia. Abuse of civilians as well as clashes between federal Ethiopian troops, Eritrean forces and Amhara's militias on the one hand and rebels favorable to Tigray's previous power on the other have left thousands dead. The war reduced the economy and impoverished the population. Now, everywhere on the roads…

Somalia: North Western of Somaliawill hold delayed parliamentary elections

Somalia: North Western of Somaliaholds far delayed parliamentary elections HARGEISA, Somalia - Polling stations will open in North Western of Somaliaon Monday, paving the way for more than a million people to elect their preferred MEPs and civic leaders, but with a main focus on the former, given that current legislators have been in office since 2005. The current civic leaders were elected in…

In the spotlight: Emmanuel Macron talks to Africa

"Immigration, terrorism, colonization ... Macron's confidence in Africa", river interview granted JDD by the French president alongside his trip this week to Rwanda and South Africa. "Emmanuel Macron takes stock of his African policies. He particularly insists on the migratory consequences for Europe of a collective failure to reinvest massively in Africa ", writes JDD ... He" calls on Europe to erase part of the African…

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