Nepal Floods Claim 101 Lives Amid Unending Monsoon Deluge

The neighborhoods of Kathmandu, Nepal’s bustling capital, found themselves submerged under relentless floodwaters following intense monsoon downpours. Tragically, local authorities reported that at least 101 lives have been lost amidst this natural calamity that has swept through the Himalayan region.

During the monsoon months from June through September, violent floods and landslides often plague South Asia. However, experts argue that the impacts of climate change are enhancing both the frequency and intensity of these disasters. “It’s a bitter reminder of the changing climate,” said climate expert Dr. Sita Thapa.

Since Friday, substantial portions of eastern and central Nepal have borne the brunt of severe flooding, with flash floods roaring through multiple rivers, leading to widespread devastation across the country’s transport networks.

According to the weather bureau, Kathmandu experienced an astonishing deluge of 240 millimeters of rain within just 24 hours, as reported by the Kathmandu Post.

The Bagmati River, along with its tributaries, overflowed, submerging nearby homes and vehicles in a murky deluge.

To bolster rescue initiatives, authorities dispatched over 3,000 security personnel equipped with helicopters and motorboats, aiming to reach those trapped in the flood’s grasp.

Amidst the chaos, residents waded through water reaching up to their chests, desperately making their way to safer ground. Relief teams sprang into action, rescuing approximately 3,300 individuals, highlighting the courage and resilience of the local communities.

But the disaster didn’t stop there. Landslides obstructed vital highways that link the capital to the rest of the nation, leaving countless travelers stranded and in a precarious situation.

Every summer, the monsoon unleashes between 70 to 80 percent of South Asia’s annual rainfall. However, the devastation that accompanies these seasonal rains has intensified over the recent years.

While floods and landslides have historically wreaked havoc, the recent uptick in fatalities from these events indicates a grim reality. Experts maintain that climate change is a significant contributing factor to this alarming trend.

For a closer look at global calamities and their repercussions, consider the following accounts.

In July, a catastrophic landslide in the Chitwan district pushed two buses, carrying 59 souls, into the depths of a raging river. Out of the chaos, only three managed to escape unscathed, while search crews were only able to recover 20 bodies. The swift current hindered efforts, complicating an already dire situation.

This year alone, Nepal has seen more than 260 fatalities attributed to rain-induced disasters, a statistic that reflects an unsettling trend that can’t be ignored.

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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