Premier League Teams Poised to Decide Fate of VAR Following Wolves’ Proposal

Wolves are pushing to eliminate VAR from the Premier League starting in 2024-25, with a vote scheduled for next month.

Premier League teams will decide whether to do away with VAR next season after a proposal from Wolves sparked discussions about its use since the 2019-20 season debut. The controversial decisions have heated up debates around the system.

Wolves faced unjust rulings from the start, notably missing a penalty in their opening game against Manchester United due to a refereeing error. Their latest clash with West Ham saw a disallowed goal by Tawanda Chirewa, causing disputes and leading to Gary O’Neil’s one-game suspension.

Nottingham Forest also expressed dissatisfaction with VAR’s calls, and Liverpool experienced a similar issue with a wrongly disallowed goal last year. Wolves are now advocating for VAR to be scrapped, and a June 6 meeting will decide its fate.

Wolves explained their stance against VAR, highlighting its negative impact on fans, referees’ accountability, and its failure to rectify errors effectively. They argued that despite attempts to enhance accuracy, VAR has amplified allegations of corruption and made the game less enjoyable.

The club firmly believes that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits and hope to see VAR removed in the coming seasons. While the Premier League endorses VAR, it acknowledges the concerns raised and promises to address them alongside match officials.

Following backlash from fans, Sweden recently decided against using VAR. Wolves’ manager O’Neil condemned the technology after a controversial game last November, showing a growing backlash against its implementation.

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