the international community calls for post-election reconciliation

The international community is concerned about the situation in Côte d’Ivoire following the presidential election. The preliminary results were announced this Tuesday, November 3 in the morning. The Independent Electoral Commission announces the victory of outgoing President Alassane Ouattara in a third term contested by the opposition. Outside Ivorian borders, several organizations and countries are monitoring the situation with concern and calling for dialogue and satisfaction.

The European Union “takes note of the communication on the preliminary results”, while expressing its “serious concern about tensions, provocations and incitement to hatred” around this election. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, explains that he expects “from all stakeholders” a satisfaction with the climate and a resumption of dialogue in a press release published on Tuesday morning, even before residence of the opponent Henri Konan Bédié be surrounded by the police.

►Read also: Côte d’Ivoire: President Ouattara was re-elected for a contested third term

#Cotedivoire: The EU takes note of the announcement of the preliminary election results.

The EU expects all stakeholders to take the initiative to calm the climate and resume dialogue. #AUEU

Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) November 3rd, 2020

Adaptation, openness, reconciliation … This is also what French President Emmanuel Macron asked Alassane Ouattara during a phone call revealed by our colleagues fromAfrica Intelligence. The Elysee makes sure to specify that this call took place on Sunday evening the day after the vote was held at a time when there were as yet no indications of the election result but indications of the conditions under which the vote took place. At this point, the French Presidency expresses “some concerns” and specifies that its communications are addressed not only to the outgoing camp but also to the opposition.

Finally, within the African Union, it is confirmed that the concerns are real and that the proposals to be made to the various parties to ease tensions are being examined. The same source specifies that we must act quickly before things get worse.


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