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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

Extended detention of Togo’s political leaders worries and irritates

Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson remains to be in custody on the Central Intelligence Company and the Legal Investigation Division, the place she continues to reply questions from the gendarmes. Greater than forty-eight hours after the arrest and after a number of hours of interrogation, he has solely simply been advised what he's accused of. However for Maitre Darius Atsoo, his lawyer, it's an…

a calm advance vote

In Ghana, polling stations opened on Tuesday, December 1, for workers mobilized for the election: soldiers, observers and journalists. Anyone who will not be able to vote on the day of the presidential and legislative elections on 7 December could therefore vote in this early vote, which took place in peace. From our special…

African culture: the December meetings

Where will the most important meetings in African culture take place during this month of December? There are nine suggestions. Do not hesitate to send your "essentials" to In Cameroon, from 1 to 5 December, Festi7, the second international poetry festival in Yaoundé's seven hills, will be held. Under…

Children affected by HIV are better cared for, African countries will benefit

This Tuesday, December 1, is World AIDS Day. The pandemic is still just as virulent and despite the progress made, the goals are far from being achieved. Among the advances, UNITAID, an international drug procurement organization linked to the WHO, announced on Tuesday an agreement that will enable better care for HIV-positive children in developing countries. The cost of treatment will be greatly…

questions about the presidential announcements about coronavirus

This is vague and incomprehensible after the abolition at the last minute, Monday night, of the speech that President Bah N'Daw was to give on state television, ORTM. The announcement of measures to combat the spread of Covid-19 was expected, the speech had even been recorded. No justification for this cancellation. Neither…

the regional events on 6 December, an organizational and security challenge

Cameroon's regional elections will be held on Sunday, December 6. An unprecedented vote in the country, organized to speed up the decentralization process, and an equally unusual vote, as it will take place through indirect elections with two electoral colleges. For Cameroon in the election, which is responsible for organizing the vote, it is therefore a special vote, even with a security challenge.…

the victims of the atrocities of the Hissène Habré regime remember

Thirty years ago, on Saturday, December 1, 1990, Idriss Déby seized power in Chad after his predecessor, Hissène Habré, was expelled from the patriotic salvation movement. We then discovered the atrocities of the Habré regime, which lasted for almost eight years: about 40,000 dead, according to a commission of inquiry led by the new authorities. At that time, many prisoners also regained their freedom.…

in the absence of consensus, the CDP will not appeal

The Congress of Democracy and Progress, the party of former President Blaise Compaoré, says it "notes" the preliminary results of the presidential election, announced by the Electoral Commission. The CDP had planned to appeal its findings following the irregularities observed during the vote. However, in the face of the lack of unanimity and consensus with the other opposition parties that signed the…

loyal to politician, Marabout Modou Kara arrested for “human trafficking”

Scandal in Senegal after the arrest, between 26 and 28 November, of forty people in "recovery centers" in the marabout SerigneModou Kara Mbacké, religious leader of the Brotherhood of Mourides, and also a political personality. According to the gendarmerie, young people were victims of "kidnapping, assault, even torture" in these centers in Dakar and its suburbs. An investigation is underway.…

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