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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

his followers are tough and waiting for his return

Laurent Gbagbo now has his two passports, one diplomatic one. The two sesams were given to him by the Ivorian authorities in Brussels on Friday, December 4. A long-awaited return to the Ivory Coast where many hope it will lead to political reconciliation. as reported from Abidjan, Pierre Pinto"One thing is clear here," former…

openness and blur

The composition of the Transitional National Council is now known in Mali. The last transitional body, with a legislative function, was eagerly awaited. The Malian authorities published the list of its 121 members on Thursday night. It is a list that plays openness, but which is actually very unclear. It is transparent too…

Laurent Gbagbo restores his Ivorian passports

The former Ivorian head of state could soon return to Abidjan. After several months of waiting, Laurent Gbagbo recovered his two passports on Friday: a regular and a diplomatic one. Since his arrest in April 2011, Laurent Gbagbo no longer had a travel document.

peace still seems far away in the English-speaking regions

For almost four years, the English-speaking regions of the northwest and southwest have been in conflict between independent armed groups and the Cameroonian police. Murders and abuses committed in both camps left more than 3,000 dead and 700,000 displaced. The government finally organized regional elections that would give these regions access to a special status. But for those who have lost…

In Côte d’Ivoire, artists Yodé and Siro had been sentenced to at least one 12 months in jail

The Zouglou music duo had been instantly prosecuted for contempt of courtroom, discredited the judiciary and disseminated false info with racial and tribal tastes. Final Sunday, throughout a live performance within the municipality of Yopougon, the well-known Ivorian group had listed prosecutor Richard Adou and accused him of solely prosecuting opposition activists as a part of investigations into…

a desire for democracy despite the security situation

In Niger, the municipal and regional election campaign began on Wednesday, December 2. Nearly 7.5 million voters are expected to vote on Sunday, December 13 to elect their local elected representatives. These first votes will act as a balloon of scrutiny a few weeks before the parliamentary elections on 27 December, while the country is in the grip of growing uncertainty, especially in the Tillabéri…

a video involving Nana Akufo-Addo is controversial

The candidate for the New Patriotic Party is filmed and receives money in an envelope. The pictures are from 2016, before the head of state came to power. They are today the core of an information battle between the two main candidates a few days before the presidential election. as reported from Accra, Christina okelloThe…

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