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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

a widespread vaccination strategy

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the African Union (AU) each have their own strategies, but some countries do not wait for them to obtain directly from manufacturers, receive donations or produce locally under foreign patents. Two countries in Africa, Egypt and Nigeria, have decided to fund research to find their own vaccine against coronavirus. The Egyptian…

The price of fertilizer puts farmers in difficulty

For six months, the price of fertilizer has risen. As a result, some farmers are being forced to reduce their use on the African continent. A trend that will not be without consequences. West African farmers are the big losers in the fertilizer market this year. Prices have reached their peak. And some operators are in…

Covid-19 in Senegal: skepticism and mistrust

In Senegal, health authorities have to face skepticism from some sections of the population. Since the start of the campaign in late February, they have first administered the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, followed by the doses of AstraZenecan as part of the global Covax initiative. But despite easy access, there are not many in the vaccination center.…

same actors, conflicting dynamics

Dozens of people were killed in Djenné's circle last week during clashes between traditional dozo hunters and jihadists from Katiba Macina. And this while dozo hunters and Katiba Macina, still in the middle of the country, signed a ceasefire agreement in the Niono circle a month ago. How to interpret these conflicting dynamics?…

at least two dead in Kouroussa in the clashes

At least two people, two young men aged 20 and 23, were killed and public and private property destroyed in Kouroussa, 500 km from the capital Conakry, in eastern Guinea, during clashes between artisan miners and police on Saturday 17 April. erupted during protests by Guinean gold miners accusing the Guinean authorities of abolishing a craft mine in favor of Burkinabè operators.…

justice refuses the request for release

In Senegal, the new permit application from Hissène Habré was rejected on March 29 on Sunday, April 18. The former Chadian president was sentenced in 2016 to life in prison by an African court for crimes against humanity during his reign from 1982 to 1990. Since his conviction, he has served his sentence in Cap Manuel Prison in Dakar. He had already benefited in April 2020 from a 60-day release from…

new jihadist attack and insecurity

In Niger, jihadists have killed again in the northern part of the Tillabéry region. Nineteen villagers were killed on the evening of Saturday, April 17, while burying one of their own. The attackers, who arrived by motorcycle, then set off in a northerly direction, in the Anzourou zone, which borders Mali. For some time, insecurity has increased in this area, where dozens of civilians have been killed…

consider better use of money transfers

In a report published last year, the World Bank predicted a 23% reduction in remittance rates due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the employment of migrant workers. In Mali, diaspora money officially and according to the latest available figures represents more than 5% of the country's GDP. as reported from Bamako,…

Cédric Evans tribute to Ghana with KenteMust

Cédric Evans is passionate about fashion. He selects and harmonizes different Kente and silk fabrics to create a bow tie. A knot made from 90% Kente, made by partner craftsmen in Ghana and 10% silk, from Italy. This designer designs each range in limited quantities to ensure that there is no overproduction. “I love to create,…

legislative choices in the context of

In Cape Verde, the team election will be held on Sunday 18 April. Voters are urged to renew the 72 members of the National Assembly from which the head of government comes, with significant executive powers. Iceland and Portuguese-speaking countries, members of ECOWAS, Cape Verde, accustomed to democratic exchanges, are a model for stability in the region.…

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