In the spotlight: France discontinues operations

France announced yesterday, Thursday, June 3, to abolish, as a precautionary and temporary measure, the suspension of its joint military operations with Bamako.

That is the “warning from France”, launchesThe ParisianIt is even “a serious warning in Bamako” in anticipation of guarantees “for civilians to return to power and for the establishment of a transition process that guarantees that the planned elections will be held well in February 2022”, the newspaper estimates.

Who sees in it “a clear message addressed to Mali’s new strong man, Colonel Assimi Goïta”. For Le Parisien, “in the sights of Paris, Colonel Goïta’s inclinations to negotiate with the jihadist groups … which the Barkhan soldiers are fighting against also appear”.

To read also: our articleFrance suspends joint military operations with Malian forces

Two police prisons in case of alleged Libyan funding of Nicolas Sarkozy’s 2007 presidential campaign

That for the director of the agency Bestimage Michelle Marchand and the journalist for the Paris Match François Delabarre. This is the online information pageMediapart who revealed it. Michelle Marchand, known as “Mimi”, and who this site presents as “high priestess of the press”, as well as François Delabarre, who was editor-in-chief of Paris Match Afrique, were placed in police custody yesterday morning (the second end of the evening), within the framework of a judicial inquiry initiated on suspicion of “witness bribery” and “criminal association for the purpose of committing organized fraud”. A post – withdrawal procedure, from Lebanon, in November in Paris Match then on BFMTV, by the mediator Ziad Takieddine, regarding the financing of Nicolas Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign.

In the news, the chaos in emergency aid in France caused by a giant blackout of the Orange network

It was during the night Wednesday to Thursday that this network failure occurred, which resulted in the virtual paralysis of emergency call systems throughout France and claimed the lives of several people.

The victims of an “unacceptable” division, appreciate “in the headlines” The Parisian. A failed “rare and extremely serious”, admitted by the head of Orange Stéphane Richard, who was called yesterday morning to the Interior Ministry where he would have “admitted Orange wrong in this quack”, still reveals Le Parisian.

A failure that one regretsLe FigaroAccording to this newspaper, “far from being fully recovered, contrary to what the CEO of Orange said during the day, the situation, late Thursday afternoon, still worried the authorities. Malfunctions were still noted here and there despite initial repairs ”.

Read also: our article The division of emergency numbers in France can cause several deaths

In the press also the improvement of the image of Emmanuel Macron

According to an Odoxa poll for Le Figaro and France Info, 38% of French people want the president of the republic to be a candidate by 2022, “ie five points more than in a previous poll conducted in April last year”, states Le Figaro.

As for the 54% of French people who negatively assess how Emmanuel Macron handled the coronavirus crisis, they are ten points less than in May last year “(they were 64%)”, further points this daily.

Emmanuel Macronva soon to decorate Édouard Philippe

According to Le Parisien, it is “around mid-June” that “under the gold of the Élysée Palace” the head of state will elevate his former prime minister to the rank of senior officer in the Order of the Legion of Honor. A ceremony that has already been postponed twice due to the coronavirus crisis.


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