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assimi goita

sanctions against Mali, Guinea and Burkina

The heads of state of ECOWAS gathered in Accra, Ghana, on Friday, March 25, for a new extraordinary summit behind closed doors. They examined the situation in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, three countries that have been the scene of military coups. Sanctions…

Assimi Goïta, an absence that makes people talk

The Heads of State of ECOWAS will meet on Friday 25 March from 14:00 UT in Accra, Ghana, for an extraordinary summit dedicated to Mali, but without President Assimi Goïta. Are we moving towards an agreement on the duration of the extension of the transition?…

The WAEMU Court lifts the sanctions

A decision that comes as a new summit for ECOWAS, the community of West African states, dedicated to the situation in Mali, is organized tomorrow, Friday. An appointment to which the president of the transition, Assimi Goïta, is invited this time.…

Bah N’Daw and Moctar Ouane no longer live

In Mali, former President of the transition Bah N'Daw and former Prime Minister Moctar Ouane are no longer under house arrest. It is a press release from the local monitoring committee for transitions that was announced on Friday. The announcement was made by the Monitoring Committee for Local Transitions, composed of…

The ECOWAS Court requires information on

The West African Economic Community Court (ECOWAS) asked Mali to provide a brief justification on August 28 for the house arrest of Moctar Ouane, former prime minister of the transition, and Bah Ndaw, former president of the transition. The two personalities have been deprived of their liberty since May 24 after a military coup that removed them from their posts.…

in the Badalabougou district, one year after the coup, on

In Mali, August 18, is the first anniversary of the fall of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta's regime. After seven years in office and just two years after his re-election for a second term, the former Malian president is the victim of a military coup. One year later, the residents of Badalabougou, the center of the protest against IBK, are divided.…

a year after the coup, what happens to Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta?

It has been exactly one year since he appeared in public. No official statement either. When he is not in his private home in Bamako, he spends most of his time in Abu Dhabi, for a private stay during which he takes care of his health. Examination of his new life. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielWe could call him "the…

One year after IBK’s forced departure, Malians are waiting

On August 18, 2021 in Mali, one year has passed since Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was forced to resign through a military coup. A coup, without bloodshed, greeted by the audience who had contested IBK's management for several months. This protest was carried out by the coalition of opposition politicians, civil society and religious gatherings within the 5juin-Rassemblement des forces…

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