hostages Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé have been released

Two hostages, the French Sophie Pétronin and the Malian opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé, were released on Thursday, October 8, 2020. This release comes after the release of several dozen jihadists by the Malian authorities.

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The last French hostage still held in the world, Sophie Pétronin, as well as Soumaïla Cissé, a major Malian politician who until then is believed to be in the hands of jihadists, have been released, the Malian presidency announced on social networks on Thursday. The Presidency of the Republic “confirms the release of Mr. Soumaïla Cissé and Mrs. Sophie Pétronin. The former hostages are on their way to Bamako, “she said on Twitter.

At first, no details were given about the circumstances of this announced release, which had been forthcoming since the weekend.

I’ve said I believe in it for four years and I’m a big liar because many times I did not believe in it anymore (…) Oh … my little mother … Ma little mother …

Sébastien Chadaud-Pétronin, son of the French woman Sophie Pétronin

Sophie Petronin had been held in Mali since December 24, 2016. She had been abducted while serving as a humanitarian worker in Gao. Soumaïla Cisse, leader of the Malian opposition, was kidnapped by armed men in northern Mali last March while fighting for the legislative election.

These two releases took place after the release by the Malian authorities of several dozen jihadists and suspected jihadists. There had been discussions between the Malian authorities and the kidnappers for several months.

The Presidency of the Republic confirms the release of Mr. Soumaila Cisse and Mrs. Sophie Petronin. The former hostages are on their way to Bamako.

Presidency Mali (@PresidenceMali) October 8, 2020

Behind the scenes of liberation

The liberation sequence begins over the weekend, with several dozen jihadist prisoners released from their cells and transported to Tessalit, far north in Mali. They are accused of belonging to jihadist terrorist groups linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Various sources, security and legal, confirm that they should be used as currency. This is the first consideration.

Sophie Pétronin is free.

Held as a hostage for almost 4 years in Mali and her release is a huge relief. To his family, to his relatives, I send a message of compassion. Thanks to the Malian authorities. The fight against terrorism in the Sahel continues.

Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) October 8, 2020

How many are there exactly? 100? 150? 200? The various sources contacted claim that they can not be precise: these extrajudicial releases are per. Definition secret, and if some detainees were detained in the central detention center in Bamako, others would leave state security sites, the Malian intelligence services. In any case, there is a large, very large number, even of warriors, on the table.

Listen to the special edition of this Thursday on the release of Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé

Was the decision to release them taken by the new Malian authorities? By the ousted president, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, without being able to complete the operation? Has France been heard? Or the United Nations mission in the country?

The second counterpart is ransom. At this stage, only rumors circulate, no reliable information. During previous hostage releases in the area, the amounts reached tens of thousands of millions of euros.


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