Featured: Simone Gbagbo comes out of the woods
The future ex-wife of Laurent Gbagbo speaks in an open letter and a video published on social networks. A letter that has been picked up and commented on by many Ivorian media, including the daily Our way, near the FPI, the former presidential party. Here is what this paper says: “After the scenes that were considered humiliating towards him at the airport during the arrival of her future ex-husband, June 17, and the media he gave his request Divorce from her a few days later, first vice president of FPI-GOR was kept quiet and left it to her relatives to speak for her. Twenty days later, Simone Gbagbo therefore reacts by a letter to her followers. Not to mention the divorce case without saying it without saying that Laurent Gbagbo is no longer the future but by believing in it, she urges her “brothers and sisters” to move forward by focusing “our eyes on the vision” and not , implied, on a man. She thanked the President of the Republic where her future ex-husband had not deserved to do so until now. Finally, she advocates peace and reconciliation. ”
The road to reconciliation
Morning Brotherhood, the government daily, highlights this sentence by Simone Gbagbo on her first page: “I say endless thanks to President Ouattara.” Fraternité Matin, who states that Laurent Gbagbo did not express this gratitude for being able to return to the country. The first steps taken, the government points out daily, the former president dressed his warrior with phrases such as “the battle continues”, “I am a soldier”, or even, “I have not lost the election”. For Simone, “continues FraternitéMatin, missed Laurent Gbagbo a fantastic opportunity to pose as Nelson Mandela who has succeeded in becoming a great reconciler in her country. To FPI activists, she asks to go beyond Laurent Gbagbo’s personality and resolutely join the reconciliation process.”
For every day Todayin Ouagadougou, “Simone Gbagbo takes height and traces the pines of reconciliation: this divorce is not just a marriage and a marriage, Burkinabé points out daily, but may well slip into the political realm. As an informed politician, Simone Gbagbo knows that she can be the big loser in the event of a bad maneuver. By expressing herself in this way, she thus takes the initiative to preserve the capital confidence of the thousands of FPI activists who swear by her and the thousands of Ivorians who praise her courage and perseverance. Now that the former prisoner in Odienné has spoken and shown his position, it can be said, again today, that the Ivory Coast has an ambassador for a real reconciliation of hearts. “
She did not say her last word …
What is the real goal of Simone Gbagbo ?, repeated the questions Paalga Observer. Does it have a political agenda?
“How can we not think that in this message, in which she addresses the Ivorians about the demand for reconciliation, she speaks hollowly about her own case when she insists: ‘the time is no longer for prisons. Therefore, no place for bitterness, resentment, pain, disappointment and anger. “A subordinate message that we do not know who it is addressed by this passion of Ivorian politics that adds:” let us stay calm and stay cool “. And “What should we understand,” asks L’Observateur Paalga, “when she also insists that the essentials remain? We can be sure of one thing by listening to this character woman: she really did not say her last word.”
Rider alone?
So what political future for Laurent and Simone? There are two trends in FPI, emphasizes historian Maurel Ahounou, interviewed by Young Africa. “One, quite lightly, carried by former Prime Minister Pascal Affi N’Guessan, and the other more radical (still called GOR, for Gbagbo or nothing), carried by the old regime’s cookies. These two trends seem to some extent incompatible. It is difficult to say whether Laurent Gbagbo will succeed in uniting the now enemy brothers. How about Simone Gbagbo, who today, despite her sympathy for the GOR camp and her popularity in the opposition, seems to want to go it alone – or is forced to do so? Sooner or later, the historian concludes, it will be necessary to resolve to address the angry issues. “