a mayor of Minembwe to put an end to “conflicts between communities”

In the DRC, bourgmesters in the Minembwe rural areas were officially installed on Sunday on the occasion of the passage of the peace caravan that resided in the Fizi area, often at the heart of conflicts between communities in the southern part of the southern province. -Kivu. But the rural municipality of Minembwe is not unanimous for babembe.

During his speech to the inhabitants of Minembwe, the governor of South Kivu, Théo Ngwabidje, who accompanied the peace chariot, is optimistic: “Since the creation of Minembwe municipality, mayors have not been installed. Today, I announce the installation of my Home Secretary. And we hope this is a new path that we take together, the search for security. We no longer want to hear about conflicts between communities. ”

Mayors Gad Mukiza of the Banyamulenge community were present at the ceremony, but his deputy, a member of the Babembe community, was absent and apparently traveled to Baraka. According to former provincial finance minister Boaz Amangu, the problem will continue and “will burn the fire”.

“A decentralized unit for integrated local development”

“In a post-conflict period, the state must be very careful in making its decisions, especially in the area of ​​territorial space management. What they did there, I do not think it really is a cure, ”he said. For more than a year, Minembwe municipality has far from reached agreement among the region’s communities.

Despite the noticeable tensions, Enock Sebineza, a former national deputy, believes this is a possibility. “It is a step in the right direction to bring services closer to citizens who, for example, traveled 150 kilometers to register a birth or find an administrative document. A decentralized unit for integrated local development, ”he argues.

State representatives hope that with this peace caravan there will be a dialogue between the communities.


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