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North Africa

Axadle | North Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

settlement in idea with probably the most ultimate teams

It is another step towards peace in Sudan. This Sunday, March 28, in southern Sudan, the Transitional Authorities signed a declaration of principles with the People's Movement for Liberation in North Sudan (SPLM-N), one of the last rebel groups in the country. The text will serve as a basis for future peace negotiations. The SPLM-N, led by Abdelaziz al-Hilu, had refused in October to join the agreements signed in Juba with various rebel groups until Khartoum agreed to separate the state from the religion. It was an…

Tunisia at the pinnacle, Guinea 2nd at the back of

There was no longer any real tension in the matches in Group A and J this Sunday, March 28, in the qualifiers in CAN 2021. With their defeat against Namibia (2-1), Guinea finished second in Group A, at a point in Mali. In Group J, Tunisia ended its almost perfect run with a victory against Equatorial Guinea (2-1), while Tanzania dominated Libya (1-0). Already sure he is qualified for 12th CAN in its history With its 11 points on the clock, Guinea had only one challenge to take on Sunday against Namibia: to win to take…

Libya’s NOC will get oil spills in Dahra underneath regulate

Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) said on Sunday that an oil spill north of the country had been brought under control. In a statement published on its Facebook page, NOC said that the leak occurred in one of the supply lines in the Dahra oil field. "Technical teams were able to complete the work and stop the leak," the statement said, while the cause of the leak was not disclosed. According to the oil group, the leak did not affect production operations. The Dahra oil field is one of the oldest oil fields…

Cameroonian Francis Ngannou, topped by means of yours

Francis Ngannou became world champion in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the most prestigious mixed martial arts (MMA) league in the world, on the night of March 27-28, 2021 in Las Vegas in front of the American Stipe Miocic. Revenge for this Cameroonian whose life has been a long series of attempts. Portrait. Francis Ngannou is world champion mixed…

The case of a girl who’s pregnant with septum spots units

After being taken into care at a hospital in Bamako, a woman who was pregnant with septuplates, with the help of the government, was to leave Bamako this Saturday, March 27, for a medical evacuation in Morocco, but at the last minute she did not start again. Malia's Minister of Health and Social Development, Dr. Fanta Siby, was himself at the airport to organize the departure of the young woman who was pregnant with septum spots. A Malian doctor would even accompany him. All arrangements were made. But at the last…

Wasteland Locust Invasion – Or not it’s In Your

A real Desert Locust epidemic is destroying East Africa for the second year in a row. The flying insect reproduces exponentially and tens of millions of locusts devour fields that are grown for food. You could hear the rain falling. It is, in fact, a cloud of locusts that fell on a cultural field and devoured everything in its path. A desert-jumped swarm amounts to several million and last year, during the crisis in East Africa, a swarm as large as Luxembourg was seen. The first signs of this air and cyclical terror in…

an Africa Cup two thirds complete

We now know of 17 of the 24 teams that will play the next African Cup of Nations football (CAN 2021) in January / February 2022 in Cameroon. The Nigerians won their qualifiers for CAN 2021, at the end of the penultimate day of the qualifiers. Qualifiers for the next African Cup of Nations (CAN 2021) ends 28, 29 and 30 March 2021 but we already know that two thirds of the law qualified for this "CAN 2021" . Twelve new teams really won their qualifiers on the penultimate day, which took place from March 23 to 27. THEY…

Algerian historians call for get entry to to

While Paris has decided to facilitate access to the archives of the Algerian war in France, Algerian historians are demanding access to the archives for this period in Algeria. They have just sent an open letter on Thursday, March 25, to the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, condemning the bureaucratic obstacles to their research.…

Libya calls on Turkey to withdraw its

After Paris and Cairo, Mohamed el-Menfi, President of the Libyan Presidential Council, visited Ankarace on Friday 26 March. There he met with Turkish Prime Minister Reçep Tayyip Erdogan. A "working meeting", confirms the news agency Anadolu, to "discuss the multi-rooted relations" between the two countries. An official request came to President Reçep Tayyip Erdogan to withdraw Syrian mercenaries as well as Turkish military experts who were present in Tripoli at the end of May 2020. According to a Libyan government…

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