Somalia: NISA and police clash at Mogadishu airport

Somalia: NISA and police clash at Mogadishu airport

MOGADISHU, Somalia – A section of troops from the National Intelligence Security Agency [NISA] and police collided Thursday at Aden Abdulle International Airport in Mogadishu, a move that could be an acid test for Somalia’s security agents.

For decades, the synergy between Somalia’s security agents has been called into question by the Heritage Institute of Policy Studies [HIPS] release a report criticizing the government’s approach to addressing security issues.

Reports show, however, that NISA agents collided with immigration officers at the airport, leading to a temporary suspension of activities at the rather busy airport. The incident led to broken glasses and interruption of services, according to reports.

The cause of dispute between the two security units is not yet clear.

Video footage obtained by Axadleshows clashes between NISA agents and Somali immigration officers inside the main building of Aden Adde International Airport as travelers stared at them. The officers seem to disagree on one issue.

Since President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s illegal time extension, several plainclothes NISA officers have been posted to Mogadishu Airport and were seen harassing travelers. However, this level of lawlessness at the airport is unprecedented, observers say.

However, the government is yet to respond to the recent incident, which many affected citizens had largely condemned on social media. But such incidents are common, as Somali security forces have been fighting for stability for several years.

Elsewhere, men fired shots and killed known dermatologists in the Al-Baraka area of ​​Mogadishu, according to reports. Dr. Hassan Osman Isse [Dr. Burane] was attacked while leaving his house, according to state media, which did not provide further details.



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