Relief Aid worth Sh3 million distributed to flood-stricken families for essential supplies and sustenance

Residents impacted by floods and mudslides in Narok South have received donations of food and essential items worth Sh3 million from Nairobi Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Temple. The consignment was sent off by Narok County Governor Patrick Ntutu to assist residents of Narok South and the nearby Maasai Mau Forest affected by the natural disasters. Nunu Shangani, Arun Rabadia, and Prakash Pindoria spearheaded the temple’s efforts, donating various items including mattresses, blankets, Crocs slippers, Unga, UHT milk, and children’s food and juices. Rabadia expressed the temple’s intention to bring hope and joy to families impacted by the heavy rains and resulting disasters. Narok South Deputy County Commissioner Felix Kisalu disclosed that 11 individuals lost their lives and over 2000 were displaced in Narok South Sub County due to the heavy rains. Josephine Ngeno, the County Executive Member responsible for Administration, Coordination of Decentralised Services, and Disaster Management, reported that 1612 households in Ololulunga and Melelo areas bordering Maasai Mau Forest have been displaced and are seeking refuge in schools and churches. Ngeno noted that other affected areas include Talek, Mosiro Irrigation Scheme, Oldonyo Orasha, Esupetai, Narok Town, and Mukuru, totaling 2457 displaced individuals. Governor Ntutu was joined by Narok South MP Kitilai Ntutu, Woman Representative Rebecca Tonkei, County Assembly Speaker Davis Dikkir, and members of the county assembly during the distribution of aid.

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