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East Africa

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Somalia: Farmajo hosts meetings with FMS leaders and parliamentary leadership

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo held a closed-door meeting with federal government on Tuesday just hours after the international community expressed 'regret' over Somali leaders' failure to achieve the one-man-goal after talks with Mogadishu. The leaders had reached a compromise on the controversial election issue, a step that effectively ended the uncertainty surrounding Somalia's upcoming elections, but the gesture from the international community shows directly that something extra…

Al-Shabaab plans to recapture Somalia after suffering heavy losses

DHUSAMAREB, Somalia - Somalia-based Al-Shabaab militants have renewed efforts to recapture the historic city of Dhusamareb, the regional administrative capital of Galmadug, top officials said after the recent failed raid in the eastern part of the city, which was met by opposition from government forces. . In the last few months, the Somali National Army has AU mission troops and the US-African Command have been fighting to remove the militants from central and southern Somalia, which have long been under the…

Villa Somalia’s official was found dead at a Mogadishu hotel

MOGADISHU, Somalia - One of Villa Somalia's top officials was found dead at a hotel in the capital Mogadishu on Monday in the latest mysterious assassination showing shrinking security fortunes in the Horn of Africa, which has been battling instability for several years. Since 1991, Somalia has not yet returned to normalcy after clan clashes, political duels and violent riots. Al-Shabaab militants have been a thorn in the flesh given their frequent attacks on security forces and innocent civilians, further causing…

The army kills several Al-Shabaab militants in central Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army on Monday killed at least 16 al-Shabaab militants in central Somalia, officials said in the latest crackdown on the al-Qaeda-linked group, which has been pushing to overthrow the fragile UN-backed Somalia government that has existed in a a couple of years. Eyewitnesses said the army killed the militants in the Bula'le area of ​​Galgadud, within the state of Galmadug, which has been fighting to curb the rising uprising despite improved security. SNA troops have been conducting…

AU Force Commander visits combat troops in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The new African Union Head of Mission, Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya, visited Soldiers serving in Sector V of AMISOM in Jowhar, HirShabelle State, as part of his ongoing proclamation around the country over a month after taking power. Soldiers from the Burundi National Defense Forces serve in sector V of AMISOM, headquartered in Jowhar, the regional administrative capital of HirShabelle. The city is located at least 90 KM north of Mogadishu, the Somali capital. Lieutenant Ndegeya, who recently…

Al-Shabaab suffers losses in battle with Kenyan forces

NAIROBI, Kenya - A contingent of Kenya Defense Forces on Monday, at least five al-Shabaab militants in the unstable county of Mandera were killed, reports show, in a deadly clash that comes months after the group reduced attacks on Kenyan soil, perhaps due to the raging Coronavirus pandemic across the globe. Sources familiar with the incident said al-Shabaab militants crossing over from Somalia were detaining a KDF convoy in the county, leading to a fierce gun battle. Eyewitnesses said the fight lasted for a few hours…

Somalia claims that the army is gaining the upper hand in war against Al-Shabaab

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army has announced victory over Al-Shabaab militants in the unstable Lower Shabelle region, a top official said Monday after a series of operations targeting the Al-Qaeda-linked group that has been wreaking havoc on East Africa for the past 14 years. Since January, the SNA, African Union Mission troops and the US Africa Command have carried out sophisticated operations against militants across Somalia, and the result certainly seems convincing, according to reports from the Somali…

International partners say the election agreement in Somalia is not below the 1P1V target

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's hopes for timely elections suffered a setback on Monday after international partners said the newly signed agreement was not in line with the goals of Africa's direct elections. The agreement was printed in Mogadishu on September 17 in Mogadishu after four days of talks, allowing the federal government and member states to end a possible pre-election crisis that had engulfed the country's internal policies. President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, five regional leaders, signed the agreement…

The United States is asking Kenya to publicly support Israel or forget about the free trade agreement

NAIROBI, Kenya - The United States wants Kenya to support Israel's political and commercial interests or forget about a FTA with the world's largest economy. These are a set of conditions set out in the ongoing FTA negotiations between Nairobi and Washington. The United States has stated in its objectives from The East African that the agreement with Kenya, in terms of commercial partnerships, should counteract actions that anticipate or discourage business between the United States and Israel. Washington argues…

UN envoy meets police chief in Somalia before election

MOGADISHU, Somalia - UN Chief Envoy to Somalia James Swan held a closed-door meeting on Sunday with Security Chief General Abdi Hassan on the agenda of the long-awaited election, which would begin in November 2020. Secretary-General Hassan is police commissioner and is tasked with providing homeland security in the Horn of Africa, which has struggled with insecurity for decades due to growing al-Shabaab attacks and conflicts between clans that have tracked efforts to restore normalcy in the country. Sources familiar…

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