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East Africa

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in Kenya, restrictions are eased, but schools remain closed

Kenya organized a major national conference on Covid-19 on Monday, September 28th. A meeting that the head of state wants to take stock of the situation and learn from the epidemic when the curve flattens (700 dead, 38,168 sick), the number of new cases decreases and as the country opens up. At the end of the debates, President Uhuru Kenyatta spoke to the nation. He announced further easing of restrictions, but he keeps schools closed. Uhuru Kenyatta wants be alert until the end. The positivity rate fell from 13% in June…

Somalia: Prime Minister holds first meeting with foreign diplomats

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The new Prime Minister of Somalia, Mohamed Hussein Roble, held his first meeting with foreign diplomats based in Mogadishu, barely a day after taking office. The introductory meeting that took place at the Prime Minister's office in Mogadishu on Monday focused on partnership in achieving national priorities, including the upcoming elections and other key issues. The Ambassadors, EU, UN and AU representatives expressed their support for the Prime Minister and wished him success in the daunting…

Puntland Military Court sentences activists to death and

AXADLE, Puntland - A Puntland military court has sentenced an Al-Shabaab suspect to death and jailed four others after being convicted of complicity in terrorism, officials said on Sunday in the latest harsh verdict aimed at neutralizing the militants, who have wreaked havoc on the country. Somalia. It is the first time that Puntland, the federal state of northern Somalia, has sentenced members of al-Shabaab in as many months, following a wave of terrorism-related incidents that rocked the country. oil-rich region,…

US signs bilateral deal with Somalia, promises debt

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The United States has signed a bilateral deal with Somalia, in another important step that gives the Horn of Africa yet another opportunity to reform its declining financial fortunes, which has seen the country struggle to lead historic development. On Sunday in Mogadishu, US Ambassador Donald Yamamoto led the event which also saw Somali Finance Minister Abdirahman Beileh and new Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble honor the event. It was the first official deal Roble had ever seen. The bilateral…

ex-president Abdel Aziz banned from leaving Nouakchott

The Nouakchott-Ouest prosecutor's office on Friday night banned Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz from leaving the capital during the ongoing investigation. More than 300 people, including the former head of state and several members of his family, suspected of corruption and embezzlement between 2008 and 2019 are concerned. The former Mauritanian president rejects everything as a whole. The lawyers for the former Mauritanian president are amazed at the decision made by the public prosecutor in Nouakchott-Ouest, which prohibits…

Protests against KDF escalate in troubled Somalia

GARBAHAREY, Somalia - Hundreds of Somalis crowd the streets of the towns of Balad-Hawo, El-Wak and Garbaharey for the third consecutive time, following reports of misconduct by the Kenyan defense forces stationed in the Gedo area. Kenyan forces operate across the border at Mandera and those serving in Sector II of the African Union Mission in Somalia , in which could significantly affect security protocols in the country. Reports from several sources indicate that civilians are against the presence of the KDF in…

Somalia’s new prime minister promises major reforms at very short notice

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's road to recovery resumed on Sunday after new Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble took office on Sunday just a day after parliamentary approval, but the procedure used could raise new constitutional questions given the lack of his predecessor Hassan Khaire. At his office, Roble pledged to institute specific reforms in the country for the next four months just before the country heads to the election, promising to focus on security, the implementation of polls as well as the violence…

President Uhuru Kenyatta calls for an anti-doping plan

In Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta is concerned about the recent rise in doping cases among the country's athletes. He asks the Ministry of Sports to develop a major training and testing plan to combat this scourge. For the Kenyan president, the country's reputation is at stake a few months before the Olympics. "Kenya has built its reputation as a stronghold of sport on pure and just victories." This statement is signed by Uhuru Kenyatta, who expresses his concern over the increase in doping cases discovered in recent…

the process of privatizing Ethio Telecom and opening up telecommunications begins

The Ethiopian government has announced that it will launch tenders in next October for the partial privatization of the only mobile phone operator, Ethio Telecom, as well as the granting of two mobile phone licenses. Ethiopia is the last major African telephony market still closed to competition. By February 2021, the government hopes to have sold 40% of Ethio Telecom's capital and sold two mobile phone licenses. It is a real revolution for a country hitherto closed to foreign operators. Ethio Telecom actually has the…

President Farmajo again promises timely elections in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - President Farmajo once again pledged early elections in Somalia just hours after parliament approved the recently signed pre-election agreement, further assuring members of the public pledge to hold elections on time timely agreed at the historic meeting that was convened at Villa Somalia. In Villa Somalia, Farmajo attended a roundtable hosted by the Raas Institute for Policy Studies, highlighting the government's efforts to hold elections that reflect the country's progress and democracy. He…

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