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East Africa

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2020, a special year for the lychee harvest campaign

In Madagascar, lychee exporters have been living the most important eight days of the season since November 13, the opening date for the fruit harvest. The only real unknown: will Western buyers put litchi on the holiday table? Trucks, vans, wagons: a real broom of lychee is currently underway in Tamatave, eastern Madagascar. In less than ten days, 15,000 to 20,000 tons of the little pink fruit will pass through the only two roads in the city that converge towards the port. There, the cranes are busy filling the ship's…

Jubaland congratulates Hirshabelle chief days after the vote

KISMAYO, Somalia - Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe has joined the ranks of state leaders on the shelf of Hirshabelle, the brand new chief Ali Gudlawe, who gained the area's election, which was carefully monitored by opposition massive women within the Horn of Africa, who've been in turmoil for many years. Earlier than Ali Gudlawe was elected to exchange former President Mohamed Abdi Waare, there have been allegations of interference from Villa Somalia. The federal authorities didn't touch upon the allegations of…

resumption of the Mauritanian border after three weeks of blockade

Road traffic resumed on 14 November at the Guerguerat border post, marking the border between Western Sahara and Mauritania. The blockade of activity for several weeks served as a justification for launching a Moroccan military operation, leading to the end of a nearly thirty-year ceasefire between Rabat and the Polisario Front and the concerns of the international community.…

Tigrayan officers in AMISOM lose weapons in Somalia amid chaos

MOGADISHU, Somalia - No less than 200 Tigraian officers serving within the Ethiopian Nationwide Protection Forces have had their weapons confiscated within the midst of the continued battle within the Tigray area, a transfer that would additional result in extra questions in regards to the stability of the African Union mission forces in Somalia. There are a number of Tigray officers within the ENDF who have been despatched to Somalia to assist construct peace, however their presence could also be compromised as a…

Rockets fired at Eritrean capital of Ethiopia, diplomats

ADDIS ABABA - No less than three rockets have been fired on the Eritrean capital from Ethiopia on Saturday night time, 5 regional diplomats mentioned, a significant escalation of a battle that positioned Ethiopian authorities troops towards insurgent native forces within the Tigray area. No less than two of the rockets hit Asmara airport, three diplomats mentioned. With most communications down in Tigray and Eritrea, Reuters couldn't independently affirm the strikes. Officers from each side couldn't be reached.…

Ethiopia detains suspected militants Al-Shabaab and ISIS

ADDIS ABABA - The Nationwide Intelligence and Safety Service (NISS) revealed that it has arrested 14 Al-Shabaab and ISIS members on a mission to hold out terrorist assaults in varied focused areas of Ethiopia, together with the capital. Al-Shabaab and ISIS despatched their members to Addis Ababa and varied components of the nation to hold out terrorist acts that destroy human life and property in addition to tarnish the picture of the nation, NISS added. The Nationwide Intelligence and Safety Service, in cooperation…

Italian NGO withdraws from Somalia on account of ‘systematic fraud’

MOGADISHU, Somalia - INTERSOS, a UN-funded NGO offering well being care and different providers to lots of of hundreds of individuals in Somalia, is withdrawing from the nation after an investigation revealed "systematic fraud", which the Italian-based support group thought-about too harmful to attempt to remedy . In an interview with The New Humanitarian, INTERSOS CEO Kostas Moschochoritis mentioned it was a "robust choice" reached after "big debate" throughout the NGO. "We realized we couldn't repair it," he…

fear of abuse in Tigray where clashes continue

In Ethiopia, the war in Tigray has now lasted eleven days. The conflict is still very difficult to estimate due to the cut-off of all telecommunications in the province. The government has taken over a small part of the western part of the province but clashes continue. as reported from Addis Ababa, Noé Rochet-BodinThe…

Tsitsi Dangarembga, dissident novelist and feminist from Zimbabwe

Together with her new novel "This Mournable Physique", the Zimbabwean Tsitsi Dangarembga is taking part this yr for the distinguished Booker Prize, the English equal of the Goncourt Prize. It's a highly effective novel that tells the story of the descent into postcolonial Zimbabwe. The announcement in July of the primary collection of works listed for the prize coincided with the writer accused by the police of getting inspired rebel and…

Explosions rock 2 cities in Ethiopia’s Amhara state

Two explosions hit cities in Ethiopia's Amhara state, which borders the northern state of Tigray the place federal troops are preventing native forces, and the Human Rights Fee warned of violations of rights within the battle. A whole bunch of individuals have been killed in clashes since Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed despatched the Nationwide Protection Forces on an offensive in opposition to well-trained native troops in Tigray on November 4, after accusing them of attacking a federal army base within the…

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