Meghan Markle Unveils Surprising Ancestral Roots in Nigeria Through DNA Test

During her trip to Nigeria alongside Prince Harry, Meghan Markle expressed her gratitude to the locals for welcoming them to “my country,” as she disclosed that she is “43 per cent Nigerian” based on recent DNA tests.

The royal couple embarked on an informal three-day tour, kicking off with a visit to the Wuse Lightway Academy in Abuja. Harry discussed mental health, while Meghan talked about the significance of diverse representation in leadership positions. They also engaged in a volleyball game with injured military personnel.

Reportedly, Meghan, donning a red spaghetti-strapped dress, arrived late for a women’s leadership summit. She spoke about her newfound Nigerian heritage, attributing her discovery to a genealogy test and a subsequent call to her mother.

The Duchess noted the colorful fashion and warm reception she received in the country: “I very quickly got the memo that I need to wear more color, so I can fit in with all of you and your incredible fashion.”

After a charity lunch with the Nigerian defense minister, both Harry and Meghan, clad in white outfits, attended the summit. Later, they visited the Wuse Lightway Academy, supported by their Archewell Foundation, where Harry delivered a poignant speech on mental health awareness.

The royal couple will continue their journey in Lagos, attending a basketball game and a fundraising event at the city’s polo ground before returning to the UK and eventually heading back to California.

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