debate on social reform
In Madagascar, it causes fear and mistrust among citizens but is still an important tool for the country’s functioning. She is the Malagasy administration. Yesterday, the association for former students at the National School of Administration at the French Institute in Madagascar organized a debate on the theme “serving the Malagasy state in the 21st century”. How do I think about the administration, how do I adapt the public service to current challenges?
as reported from Antananarivo, Sarah Tétaud
It is in a crowded room, composed mainly of students, that the panelists put forward proposals to try to revolutionize a mastodon that struggles to win the trust of citizens: “Precarious”, “politized”, “disorganized”, “nepotistic”, “corrupt” … At the end of the debate, spectators are not hooked when asked to describe the current Malagasy administration.
This disenchantment, Diana Rasoanaivo, Adviser to the National Association for Administrative Justice and current Chief of Staff to the Minister of Transport, Tourism and Meteorology, is well aware of this. It is therefore urgent: “In order to improve the public service with zero budget, it would already be necessary to start by cleaning up in front of one’s own level. That is, for civil servants who are not ready to comply with the law, there should be exemplary sanctions up to and including dismissal from the public administration. Finally, there should be recruitment based on meritocracy. That is, if there are ten official positions in a body and the state only finds two people in height, the state will have to recruit the two people and release the 8 places. Just to have quality. ”
Hery Rason, Executive Director of NGO Ivorious, which specializes in issues of justice and the fight against corruption, is convinced that the transformation of the administration must go through judicial reform: “Many cases have been referred to the Supreme Court, about ten cases involving ministers and senior officials, and to this day the HCJ has not questioned the integrity of these people, while some Evidence is sharp, and that on the other hand there are ordinary officials who are imprisoned. There are two levels of justice and unequal treatment. There is impunity for the elite. HCJ is a justice that is a refuge for corrupt people. So we, civil society, propose to abolish the court during the next constitutional review. ”
Another major challenge for the administration: digitization. Archiving documents affecting every citizen, introducing legal texts online, court decisions, digitizing all these documents would solve many problems of transparency, accountability and corruption. However, access to the information bill, which can speed things up, is still in the hands of the government. It was submitted by the Ministry of Communications on September 3, 2020 and since then nothing. Its adoption by the Council of Ministers is still awaited after a fundamental change in the Malagasy administration.