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Madagascar: As Enrollment Nears, Students Make Investments

Madagascar’s Last-Minute Study Frenzy Before Exams With the start of matriculation looming on July 22, the atmosphere in Madagascar gets intense as students and educators gear up for the big day. Three days before exams begin, everyone has their unique strategies for preparation. The days leading up to these important exams are marked by the "farado book," an all-out cram session aimed at intensive review. During these intense hours, teacher groups pull together to organize and deliver crucial tips. They also discuss…

in Africa, measures to combat the consequences

"Africa bears the full burden of this war in Ukraine," said Macky Sall, the current president of the African Union and president of Senegal. The war in Ukraine causes both an inflation shock, but also a shortage of grain and fertilizers. Its effects are likely to continue throughout the year and seriously affect countries already affected by the pandemic. Several countries have already taken steps to try to limit the consequences.…

coaching facilities to fight

People with disabilities are marginalized in comparison with the remaining of society, they've much less entry to schooling and thus to employment. According to NGO Humanity and Inclusion (previously Handicap International), they characterize probably the most…

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