Special Tribunal Apprehends Principal Insurgents in Central African Republic Conflict

In a significant development, the Special Criminal Court, which delves into human rights breaches from the nation’s civil war, has apprehended Abakar Zakaria Hamid. Hamid, a prominent figure in the Seleka militia—a rebellious band that took over Bangui in 2023—is under indictment. He stands accused of masterminding a vicious assault on a church a decade ago, an attack that tragically claimed the lives of no less than 17 individuals. Additionally, seven other persons are now in custody, facing charges linked to this heinous incident.

Reacting to the arrests, Lewis Mudge, the country’s director for Human Rights Watch, highlighted the gravity of the militia’s actions. “This move is part of a series of gross violations targeting internally displaced persons’ sanctuaries,” he asserted. Mudge emphasized that, “By initiating this case, ensuring just trials, and paving the way for the victims’ families to obtain justice, the SCC can substantially combat the rampant impunity that plagues the Central African Republic.” His remarks underscore the potential of the Special Criminal Court to serve as a pivotal entity in delivering overdue accountability.

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