Paulin Makaya’s UPC excluded from the list of approved parties

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45 political parties are now officially recognized in Congo-Brazzaville according to the list just released by the Home Office, which has excluded United for the Congo (UPC) party, led by opponent Paulin Makaya. A few months before the presidential election, the latter disputes this decision and shouts arbitrariness. The government is defending itself.

as reported from Brazzaville, Loïcia Martial

At the headquarters of his formation, located in the southern suburbs of Brazzaville, in the presence of some unconditional militants, Paulin Makaya simply rejected the government’s way of doing things. “I think it’s arbitrary. I am not surprised. These are people (by force) who confiscate freedoms. The parties chosen are for me parties that are in the smell of holiness with power. They therefore made the UPC the first opposition party. At least there is the truth in the truth, ”he hammered.

The exclusion of his party from the official list is also condemned by Claudine Munari, president of the Confederation of Congolese Opposition, which calls for dictatorship.

The Interior Ministry justifies this exclusion

The government assures us that it is putting the party file in order by removing all those who are not represented in the entire national territory. “There are political parties that still exist only in Brazzaville and that do not appear until the beginning of major political events. We will continue to put these aside, ”explained Interior Minister Raymond Zéphirin Mboulou.

The 45 recognized parties will a priori be invited to a political hearing in Madingou in November. A hearing to prepare Presidential Election 2021. For Paulin Makaya, this consultation is a “non-event”.


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