In Senegal, many comment on Monday 28 September following a statement by the Minister of Social Development and Social Justice. Mansour Faye, also the president's brother-in-law, was responsible for purchasing and distributing emergency food aid during the Covid-19 pandemic. Support of DKK 69 billion FCFA (more than 105 million euros). Accused of mismanagement, he says he will not respond to a possible call from Ofnac, the national anti-fraud and corruption office.
as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac
Ousmane Dembele Oo Soo Celiyay Dhaqan Xumadiisa & Falkii Ugu
Weeraryahanka Barcelona Ousmane Dembele ayaa mar kale ku kacay dhaqan xumada uu ku caan baxay isagoo ka soo daahay tababarkii maanta islamarkaana xarunta tababarka yimid isagoo gaari kaxeynaya xilli uu taleefan isticmaalayay.Wargeyska Deportes Cuatro ayaa soo bandhigay muuqaal ay duubeen oo muujinaya xiddiga Faransiiska oo 15 daqiiqo ka soo daahay tababarka kooxda inkastoo tababare Ronald Koeman lagu waramayo inuu ku amray ciyaartoydiisa inay saacad ka soo hormaraan waqtiga tababarka.Wargeyska ayaa sheegaya inay tani tahay…
Somalia: Prime Minister holds first meeting with foreign diplomats
MOGADISHU, Somalia - The new Prime Minister of Somalia, Mohamed Hussein Roble, held his first meeting with foreign diplomats based in Mogadishu, barely a day after taking office.
The introductory meeting that took place at the Prime Minister's office in Mogadishu on Monday focused on partnership in achieving national priorities, including the upcoming elections and other key issues.
The Ambassadors, EU, UN and AU representatives expressed their support for the Prime Minister and wished him success in the daunting…
Mikel Arteta Oo Shaaciyay Inuu Meel Iska Dhigayo Qaab
Tababare Mikel Arteta ayaa sheegay inuu meel iska dhigi doono qaab ciyaareedkii looga bartay Arsenal si uu u soo gabagabeeyo qarowga ay ka soo qaadaan Anfield mar walba.Gunners ayaa laga soo dhaliayy 30 gool sideedii kulan ee ugu danbeysay ee ay booqdeen Liverpool, mana aysan ku badinin garoonkaas tan iyo sannadkii 2012 markaasoo uu Arteta garoomada ku jiray.Laakiin waxay ku garaaceen kooxda Jurgen Klopp garoonka Emirates bishii July halka ay bishii hore rigoore uga qaadeen koobka Community Sheild.Labada jeerba, Arteta wuxuu…
“Mid Dadka Ayuu Qaniinaa, Midna Wuu Dagaalamaa” – Diego
Weeraryahanka Atletico Madrid Diego Costa ayaa sheegay inuusan fahamsaneyn sababta ay Barcelona u ogolaatay in Luis Suarez uu kooxda ka tago.“Waxaan helnay ciyaaryahan weyn, nasiib wanaag wuxuu ka soo tagay Barcelona” ayuu yiri Costa.“Ma garanayo sida koox sidaas oo kale ah ay ogolaan karto inuu baxo.“Ugu danbeyn, anaga ayay aad inoogu fiican tahay.“Wuxuu nagu caawinayaa goolashiisa, xamaasadiisa ciyaareed, baahida uu u qabo guusha iyo koobabka.”Dad badan ayaa isla dhexmarayay haddii Diego Simeone uu afka hore iska garab…
Guushii Manchester United Oo Keentay In Lagu Yeesho Lacag
Manchester United ayaa ku qasbanaatay inay bixiso lacag dhan £4.5 milyan oo Gini oo ku waajibtay markii uu Bruno Fernandes goolka guusha ka dhaliyey Brighton maalintii Sabtida, taas oo ciyaarta oo dhamaatay rikoodhe loo dhigay Red Devils.United ayaa guusheedii ugu horreysay ee xili ciyaareedkan ka gaadhay Brighton oo ay kaga adkaatay 3-1, laakiin waxay libintani usoo jiidday dayn lacageed oo dhan £4.5 milyan oo Gini oo ay u shubayso kooxda reer Portugal ee Sporting Libson.Sida uu dhigayay heshiiskii Manchester United ay kula…
The victims of the September 28, 2009 massacre still demand justice
It is in the Guinean capital that a memorial service took place in the morning. A tribute to the 160 victims killed in the bloody attack on opponents gathered at a stadium in the city on September 28, 2009. A killing committed by elements of the Guinean armed forces under Captain Moussa Dadis Camara.
as reported from Conakry, Mouctar Bah
Severe faces and tight faces, the victims of September 28, 2009 remember the ordeal they went through.
"A black Monday, a bloody Monday for me, a Monday of humiliation, a Monday of…
until the ECOWAS sanctions are lifted
After several days of negotiations, the new prime minister of the transition was appointed this Sunday. The choice fell on a civilian, the diplomat and the former foreign minister, Moctar Ouane. Following the inauguration of the President and Vice-President, the interim executive is therefore closed, but the economic community of the West African states has still not lifted its sanctions.
as reported from Bamako, Serge Daniel
Theoretically, the sanctions should already be lifted. But soon 24 hours following the…
Real Madrid Oo Warbixin Kasoo Saartay Dhaawaca Toni Kroos &
Kooxda kubadda cagta Real Madrid ayaa si rasmi ah u shaacisay in xiddigeeda khadka dhexe ee Toni Kroos uu dhaawac muruqa ahi kasoo gaadhay kulnakii ay 3-2 kaga adkaadeen Real Sociedad ee Sabtidii toddobaadkan.Kubbad-sameeyaha reer Germany ayaa ciyaarta ka baxay dhamaadkii qaybta hore, waxaana lagu soo beddelay Luka Modric, laakiin Zinedine Zidane ayaan awoodi doonin inuu helo adeegga ciyaareed ee 30 jirkan muddo usbuucyo ah.Toni Kroos oo muhiim u ah Real Madrid, booskiisana aanu gorgortan gelin ayaa ku biiray liis dheer oo…
Senior officials brought to justice in bribery scandal
Listen: Senior officials stand trial in bribery scandalToday, the trial begins against six people who are suspected of being bribed to the Swedish Property Agency. Among other things, the former director general is charged. Ekot's reporter, Sofie Wichmann was present in Stockholm District Court:
- The chief prosecutor himself describes the case as a complex bribery scandal that has taken place at the Swedish Property Agency.