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Central Africa

Central Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

DRK: “People have learned to love Salonga Park”

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Salonga National Park, the largest in the country, was withdrawn on 19 July with Unescode from the World Heritage List in Danger where it had been listed since 1984. This decision rewards efforts to preserve this park from 36,000 square kilometers, considered the largest reserve of tropical rainforest in Africa. Pastor Cosma Wilungula, Director General of the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation, is RFI's guest. .

the opposition dismisses the appointments within the committee

In the Central African Republic, we now know of the composition of the organizing committee responsible for preparing the Republican dialogue that President Touadéra promised the day after his re-election. as reported from Bangui, Carol ValadeAlready at the announcement of the quotas, the opposition had condemned an unbalanced…

a decree approves the slaughter of protected species, ICCN

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN) is campaigning for the inter - ministerial decree specifically approving the capture and killing of certain protected species. Correspondence was sent to various authorities, including the Deputy Prime Minister and the Congolese Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development.…

Several civilians were killed in rebel attacks in the northeast

Rebels killed six civilians and injured several others on Saturday in an attack on a village in the northeastern part of the volatile Central African Republic, according to the UN peacekeeping mission. "This morning at dawn, elements from 3R (Return, Reclamation, Rehabilitation) launched a large-scale attack on C. African army positions in the village of Mann," said the spokesman for the UN's 12,000 strong MINUSCA mission. "Six civilians were killed and several were injured," he added. The village is about 550…

Take Lou and the football players, hard day for the coast

This Saturday, July 31, it was difficult for Ivory Coast with Marie-Josée Ta Lou's fourth place in the 100 meters and elimination of football players in the quarterfinals. The only good news for the Ivorians: the qualification of Arthur Cissé for the semifinals of the 100 meters. The second clarification came from the Angolan handball players who are relaunching before the quarter-finals.…

whistleblower Jean-Jacques Lumumba says he fears

The Congolese whistleblower, Jean-Jacques Lumumba, is under pressure again. The former BGFI banker and uncle of the independence hero is worried about his safety and his family. Since his 2017 revelations about BGFI, the bank for which he worked, Jean-Jacques Lumumba reports on a whole series of incidents between France, where…

Congo-B forces medical staff and new ones

In anticipation of the spread of the coronavirus, the Congo-Brazzaville government has renewed the state of emergency for the twenty-fourth time this week, requiring vaccination for all healthcare staff, future students at public universities and ministry officials. The measure is appreciated by some but others shun it. as…

the six soldiers held at an airport released, Paris

The six French soldiers and the helicopter, which have been held since Wednesday at the airport in Bata, Equatorial Guinea's economic capital, where they landed their planes to refuel, were allowed to leave the territory on Friday night, the French army confirmed to RFI. The six French soldiers were allowed to land urgently in…

a report from the confessional platform for

No white smoke this Friday, July 30, in the process of appointing the chairman of the election commission. Work resumed this morning at the invitation of the President of the Religious Confessions Platform and the President of Cenco, Monsignor Utembi. But the discussions quickly ended. The eight representatives decided to submit a joint report to the President of the National Assembly to explain the…

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