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after a year interrupted by Covid-19, the student fair attracts many academics

In Madagascar, the student and employment fair attracts hundreds of high school students. Since Monday, November 24, in the garden by Lake Anosy, in the center of the capital Antananarivo, the bays are always full. Ten days ago, more than 77,000 young Malagasy people received their baccalaureate. After a school year that was greatly disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, many high school students are…

Tax evasion costs Africa $ 25 billion a year

Tax evasion costs Africa more than $ 25 billion a year, according to a study by a network of NGOs, including the Global Alliance for Tax Justice. At a time of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, this flight is considered "unacceptable", in fact it reduces the revenue that African countries could devote to their health.…

2020, a special year for the lychee harvest campaign

In Madagascar, lychee exporters have been living the most important eight days of the season since November 13, the opening date for the fruit harvest. The only real unknown: will Western buyers put litchi on the holiday table? Trucks, vans, wagons: a real broom of lychee is currently underway in Tamatave, eastern Madagascar. In less than ten days, 15,000 to 20,000 tons of the little pink fruit will pass through the only two roads in the city that converge towards the port. There, the cranes are busy filling the ship's…

Donald Trump extends sanctions towards Sudan for one 12 months

In an sudden choice a number of hours earlier than the US presidential election, President Donald Trump signed an official decree on Monday night time, November 2, extending for one more 12 months the sanctions towards Sudan, which have been positioned on the US blacklist of supporting nations. terrorism. Based on the White…

free tuition fee for this year

In Madagascar, the constitution requires the state to organize "public education, free and accessible to all," but in fact, school, even public, is far from free. In addition to tuition fees, the parents of students often have to contribute to the payment of salaries to "Fram masters", the teachers who only have the matriculation exam in their pocket. Given these significant costs for the most…

1 year sentence and 3 years imprisonment against two activists from the Hirak movement

The National Committee for the Release of Detainees, an association that supports detainees in Hirak, speaks of an "incredible and unacceptable" phrase. According to the CNLD, 60 people are currently being detained for actions related to the Algerian protest movement. The heaviest of the sentences uttered this Sunday relates to Brahim Laalami. Prosecuted in seven cases, he received a total of three years in prison and a fine of one million dinars or more than 6,000 euros, according to the National Committee for the…

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