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Somalia Denounces Illicit Weapon Shipment from Ethiopia to Northeastern State

The Somali government has issued a vehement denunciation concerning the unapproved importation of arms and ammunition from Ethiopia into the Northeastern State region of Somalia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation labeled this act as a “grave infringement” on Somalia’s sovereignty and a notable danger to both national and regional security. “We have irrefutable proof of two trucks delivering weapons from Ethiopia to Northeastern State without any official diplomatic protocol or authorization,” the…

Sexual violence used as a weapon of war in Tigray, Ethiopia, according to the United States

WASHINGTON, United States - US Believes Sexual Violence Against Women And Girls Is Used As New Tool Of War In Tigray Region, With Ethiopian National Defense Forces , with Eritrean troops and Amhara regional forces cited as usual suspects. Several reports by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other global rights groups indicate that thousands of women have been raped, others killed since November 2020, when Ethiopia launched operations in Tigray in the continuation of the Popular Front for the Liberation of…

In Ethiopia rape as a weapon of conflict in

Hundreds of rape cases have been reported throughout Tigray since the beginning of the conflict - which has now been going on for four months. Hospitals have received many cases of abortions or serious injuries as a result of these rapes. The victims suffer from psychological trauma. Possible war crimes, but so far no independent investigative body has gained access to the region.…

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