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when do the anticovid vaccinations begin?

It has been almost two weeks since the first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine arrived in Mali. But the vaccination campaign has still not started, and medical staff are expressing impatience and even concern, all in light of uncertainty surrounding the AstraZeneca vaccine, the use of which has already been suspended in several countries.…

Tunisia begins vaccination marketing campaign

In Tunisia, 30,000 doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V were received on Tuesday, March 9, to enable 15,000 people to be vaccinated. Vaccination centers have been opened in all 24 regions of the country. as reported from Tunis Michel PicardIt was during the dome of the sports palace El-Menzah in Tunis that the first doses…

Togo launches its vaccination campaign against

The first doses of the anti-Covid19 vaccine were received last Sunday; Following the delivery of these doses to the interior of the country, the government officially launched the vaccination campaign on Wednesday 10 March. This is the AstraZeneca vaccine from the Covax initiative, originally 156,000 doses. Despite concerns among the population implementing the program, the Scientific Committee assures…

the government refuses vaccines and prefers local medicines

Madagascar does not want to participate in the Covax Facility, the global initiative for access to antiquated vaccines, once their registration and approval has been completed. The government spokesman confirmed this this evening, November 26, to RFI. This initiative is open to all countries in the world. A special provision allows 92 developing countries, including Madagascar, to have access to…

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