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underground clubs in Brazzaville pay tribute to Jacob

Brazzaville is recognized as the cradle of rumba. But this city with more than 1.5 million souls also vibrated in the 80s and 90s to the rhythm of the souk of the legendary Cassava group whose main host, Jacob Desvarieux, bowed on Friday 30 July. Nightclubs, even though they were officially closed due to Covid-19, pay tribute to him.…

national tribute in Parliament to the Cardinal

In the gallery we find Presidents Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Denis Sassou-Nguesso of the Congo-Brazzaville, along with a whole crowd of officials and faithful. Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo serves for this exceptional mass. He took the opportunity and explained how it was necessary to hire a man from this church who has worked so hard for democratization in his…

at the Thomas Sankara Memorial, the tribute to Jean-Luc

Visiting Burkina Faso, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the representative of France Insoumise, visited the site of the Thomas Sankara Memorial on Sunday afternoon, 18 July. as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya BoudaniJean-Luc Mélenchon placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the giant statue of Captain Thomas Sankara, he bowed in front of…

A unanimous tribute after the cardinal’s death

Tributes are rising in the Democratic Republic of Congo following the death of Laurent Monsengwo, Cardinal and Archbishop Emeritus of Kinshasa. He was the most famous figure in the Catholic Church in Congo, president of the Bishops' Conference in Zaire, already critical at the time of Marshal Mobutu. Despite his opposition to all regimes for 30 years, the tributes on Sunday night were unanimous.…

tribute to the victims of anti-IBK demonstrations,

In Mali, a year ago, until today, 14 people died after police intervention during the demonstrations against the dismissed President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, according to figures from the UN and the UN. Human Rights Watch NGO. A ceremony will be held on Sunday, July 11, in honor of the Imam Dicko Mosque, located in Badalabougou. The district was then the epicenter of the protest against the old regime.…

A unanimous tribute to Kenneth Kaunda, the last hero

He was the last surviving freedom fighter. The father of Zambia's independence Kenneth Kaunda died on June 17, two weeks ago, at the age of 97. Zambia held its national funeral today in the presence of many leaders and representatives of the continent who had come to honor its memory. With our special correspondent in Lusaka,…

strong tribute to Nelson Mandela

The African mini-tour of French President Emmanuel Macron ends. He left South Africa on Saturday, May 29, where he arrived on Friday, from Rwanda. Emmanuel Macron and his South African counterpart, Cyril Ramaphosa, appealed to the international community for Africa to be able to produce vaccines. The French president also visited the Nelson Mandela Foundation.…

tribute to the oldest veteran, who died in

The dean of Malian veterans and formally 100-year-old, Corporal Kaba Doumbia died on Monday 26 April. Recipient of the silver medal from the French Memorial 2020, he was a knight of the Legion of Honor since 2014 and the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the touchdown of Provence. His funeral will happen on Wednesday, April 28 in Bamako.…

last tribute to Cardinal Tumi

Remember him as someone who was deeply patriotic and then tolerant, because we had a very divisive political climate. Cameroon loses or has lost someone who had the courage to say what he thought, he preached a lot for dialogue. I think the problem that the government had is that many leaders or many ministers fought to slander Cardinal Tumi, but they found out that the cardinal was really someone who was tolerant and wanted dialogue. Elie Smith, one…

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