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Revitalizing Garowe: World Environment Day 2024 Sparks Urgent Call for Tree Planting

World Environment Day 2024 in Garowe: Reflecting on a City in Need of Tree Planting Efforts June 5th rings in World Environment Day, urging us to safeguard Earth. For 2024, the spotlight's on fixing up land, fending off desert creep, and toughening up against droughts. These issues spell life or death for our world’s ecosystems, myriad species, and people’s jobs. Each of us—people, communities, nations—must own up to the task of revamping land, halting desert spread, and boosting dryness defenses.…

Green Diplomacy: Somali Foreign Minister Initiates Sustainable Tree Planting Campaign at Ministry Headquarters

In Mogadishu, Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Amb. Ahmed Moallim Fiqi Ahmed, initiated the planting of 2,000 fruit, shade, and flower trees near the Ministry's headquarters. The event was attended by Ministry officials and staff as part of the Somalia Greening Campaign to show their dedication to environmental sustainability and the creation of green spaces. Minister Fiqi stated, "We are planting 2,000 fruit, flower, and shade trees as a part of the Somali Greening Campaign at the Ministry…

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy launches 2nd nationwide

On Tuesday, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurated the country's program to plant 6 billion trees across the country this year, which comes before the election with Abiy hoping to highlight his focus on the environment. This is the third year in a row that Abiy - Nobel Peace Prize winner 2019 - is urging Ethiopians to plant billions of trees, part of his "Green Legacy" campaign to promote ecotourism and combat the effects of climate change. Africa's second most populous country is preparing…

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