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In South Africa, the arduous strategy of

In South Africa, after the fireplace that destroyed a part of the Jagger Library two weeks in the past, throughout the College of Cape City, the challenge of digitizing the nation's paperwork and archives has been placed on the desk. The most beneficial works on the decrease flooring may very well be saved, however the…

South African safety corporations are coaching

In South Africa, a non-public safety firm is coaching its canines to detect Covid-19. This firm is used to working at South African airports the place its canine brigades are in search of traces of explosives or shipments of medication. Elsewhere on the earth, anti-Covid-19 brigades have already been deployed at Dubai Airport within the United Arab Emirates or at Helsinki Worldwide Airport in Finland.…

FESOJ conducts virtual training in security procedures on Covid-19

FESOJ conducts virtual training in safety procedures for the prevention of Covid-19 MOGADISHU, Somalia - Twenty-five Somali journalists from different regions of Mogadishu and other regional federal member states have participated in 2-day online training held on 17-18 April 2021 on respect for the safety procedures for the prevention of Covid-19. The Federation of Somali Journalists…

In West Africa, the state of infrastructure

On Tuesday, April 13, a fire broke out in a Nigerian school in Niamey. About twenty children were killed. This event raises questions about the state of schools in West Africa. In Burkina Faso, Mali and Benin, teachers are concerned about student safety. Schools in poor condition, François Yaméogo sees them every day. He…

after feelings, questions and outrage

That is the feeling in Niger after the fire in the school in the Dutch district of Niamey on 13 April. A school and a kindergarten in the middle of a shopping field where many heavy trucks circulate. After the funeral of the 20 children who were killed in the accident, it is time for anger and questions. Parents and teachers' organizations want light to be shed on the causes of the fire.…

Somali troops are practicing in Eritrea to come homestead

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Young Somali soldiers who have been training in neighboring Eritrea are beginning to return in the coming weeks, it has emerged, weeks after their families raised concerns, and some claimed they had been taken to Ethiopia to fight in the Tigray War . The Eritrean troops have assisted the Ethiopian national defense forces in the Tigray region, where they faced the Tigray People's Liberation Front in a war that has been condemned by members of the international community. Last week, Eritrea agreed…

Mauritania: sit-in of secondary education unions in front of the presidency

Trade unions are demanding pay rises, housing, generalization of the chalk bonus (teachers who give lessons in class) and remote allowances. More than 2,000 teachers and teachers responded to their unions' call to make their voices heard on the day the government held its weekly Council of Ministers meeting. The gathering of professors a few hundred meters from the presidential palace came on the third day of a strike that began on Monday to demand a pay rise. In the crowd, this union leader, a member of the Coordination…

home stretch and observer training

In the Central African Republic, 118 constituencies are called to vote in the legislative elections on Sunday 14 March. This is the second round for 49 constituencies. The 69 other constituencies will vote again because they were prevented or the vote was canceled during the first round on 27 December. It is therefore the last straight line before this important election. The observers of the…

Why this excess mortality among teachers at the University of Kinshasa?

Thirty-one professors from the University of Kinshasa, the largest in the country, have died since January. Illness, poor medical care, difficult working conditions are among the causes, according to the association of UNIKIN professors. This is the first time that the university has achieved these figures in one year. Kinshasa, the troubling situation in academia.…

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