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Khartoum police chief was fired from his

The Khartoum police chief created controversy last week by demanding the return of public order laws. Very controversial texts created during the old Islamic regime and which contained many restrictions that are often used against women. These remarks sparked an uprising that ultimately cost him his job as the first police officer in the Sudanese capital. After his controversial comments, Lieutenant General Issa Adam Ismaël was transferred to the Interior Ministry office. A new police chief in Khartoum was appointed on…

settlement in idea with probably the most ultimate teams

It is another step towards peace in Sudan. This Sunday, March 28, in southern Sudan, the Transitional Authorities signed a declaration of principles with the People's Movement for Liberation in North Sudan (SPLM-N), one of the last rebel groups in the country. The text will serve as a basis for future peace negotiations. The SPLM-N, led by Abdelaziz al-Hilu, had refused in October to join the agreements signed in Juba with various rebel groups until Khartoum agreed to separate the state from the religion. It was an…

safety and humanitarian scenario in Darfur

Despite the fall of the dictatorship, despite peace with several rebel groups in the province of Darfur in October 2020, the latter is experiencing an increase in violence, especially tribal violence. This outbreak is accompanied by the departure of UNAMID. The mission of the UN-African Union ended its mandate on 31 December. The Sudanese force to replace the peacekeepers is not yet ready.…

Sudanese mercenaries concerned in

The Sudanese mercenaries fighting the Houthi rebels in the ranks of the "Arab coalition" along with the government recognized by the international community withdrew from the strategic city of Aden in southern Yemen on Sunday, March 21. . Faced with this withdrawal, a Saudi soldier confined himself to stating, without further clarification, that "their mission in the city is over". For its part, Sudan…

the civilian authorities is making an attempt to regain management

The civilian authorities is making an attempt to regain management. Sudan is in the process of reforming its defense industry. At the very least, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, who has announced that the government will take back control of a group of companies owned by the army, hopes so. The Société de l'Industrie Militaire, one of the largest companies in the defense sector, will be separated into two units, a military and a civilian, where the Ministry of Economy and Finance will regain control through a private…

Darfur assaults multiply no matter implementation

Several voices within the Sovereignty Council have spoken out against the proliferation of weapons and militias in Darfur. Security has not returned to this region of western Sudan, ravaged since 2003 by civil war and genocide, whose violence has left more than 300,000 dead. An upsurge in tribal conflicts is coming as UNAMID peacekeepers begin to retreat. In recent days, several villages and IDP camps have been attacked. In a few days, new militia attacks broke out at the Kutum site in North Darfur and in the Kalma IDP…

Karthoum speaks for a sq. mediation

The Sudanese Prime Minister has asked an international "quartet" to take the lead in the dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the filling of the Renaissance dam. The second phase of filling the reservoir is to begin next summer. This appeal is above all a sign of the closer bond that now unites Khartoum and Cairo towards their opponent.…

release of Musa Hilal, the former militia leader

Musa Hilal has been released, the leader of the infamous Janjaweed, Arab militias accused of committing atrocities in Darfur received a pardon. Pardon granted by Sovereign Council, the institution overseeing the transition in Sudan. Musa Hilal remains under UN sanctions and accused of serious crimes in Darfur. With our…

Darfur: despite the signed peace, the problem of

In Darfur, while a peace deal was signed in October between the central government and several armed groups, the pacification of the province promises to be thorny. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people live in displaced camps and no longer have access to their land, which is occupied by other populations. From our special…

Sudan accuses Ethiopia of sponsoring local militias

Sudan accuses Ethiopia of sponsoring local militia in the Blue Nile KHARTOUM - Another crisis is looming in the Horn of Africa, but this time there are traditional allies of Sudan and Ethiopia, not about the controversial Grand Renaissance Dam, but about a well-funded militia within the Blue Nile that allegedly sabotages the Khartoum administration. Over the weekend, Ethiopian Prime…

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