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Gabon-Angola: Queen Nzinga Mbandi, the Indestructible

Our series on resistant women takes us to Gabon to meet descendants of Queen Nzinga. She opposed Portuguese penetration in Angola in the 17th century. As a 43-year-old monarch, she fought hard to defend her kingdom against the slave trade. The fighting was so furious that some people fled Angola to Gabon. Among them, Vungu…

story of a moment of reunion with his

RFI witnessed the reunion between Laurent Gbagbo and his supporters at a former campaign headquarters in Cocody-Attoban on Thursday, June 17. In front of a crowd that won over his cause, the former president was short in his speech, asking "to mourn" first his "dead" and to speak "later on politics". With our special…

Tale of a Cameroonian immigrant in the US

The migration routes that leave Africa lead either to other countries on the continent or to Europe, or - and it is less well known - to the United States. Congolese, Ugandans, Malays, Sierra Leoneans ... Many Africans arrive in Latin America and try to reach North America. Under the Trump administration, those who succeeded…

“Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô”, the story of a wavy Malagasy national anthem

In May 1959, the national anthem of the very young Republic of Madagascar was officially presented to the people. But as with flags, it will not be unanimous and will be the target of violent criticism. The story behind the choice of this patriotic song. as reported from Antananarivo On October 14, 1958, Madagascar, though still a colony in France, entered a new era by becoming a republic, the first in its history. Therefore, the power that is in place quickly decides to equip itself with characteristics specific to…

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