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Xiisad u dhaxeysa Waqooyi Bari iyo SSC- Khaatumo oo ka taagan gobolka Sool

 Jimco, Juun, 7, 2024 (AX) - Wararka nagasoo gaaraya tuulada Buurawadal oo ku dhawaad 30km dhinaca waqooyi kaga beegan magaalada Garowe, balse katirsan gobolka Sool, ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi ay ka jirto xiisad colaadeed oo u dhaxeysa ciidamo ka kala tirsan maamulka Waqooyi Bari iyo kuwa SSC Khaatumo.Xiisaddan ayaa salka ku haysa kastam canshuuraha lagu aruriyo oo ay Waqooyi Bari ka hirgalisay degaanka Buurawadal iyo degaano kale oo hoos yimaada gobolka Sool, taasoo ay ka horyimaadaan ciidamo katirsan maamulka SSC…

North Western of Somalia Dominates Sool Region, Forges Economic Partnership with Ethiopia

Nairobi (AX) — The North Western of Somalia representative in Kenya has affirmed that the Sool region will remain part of North Western of Somalia, rejecting any talk of separation. A recent agreement with Ethiopia has been touted as a catalyst for economic growth in the breakaway region. During an interview with BBC Somali, Ambassador Mohamed A. Mohamud underscored North Western of Somalia's dedication to peace in the Sool region. He firmly denied the involvement of Somalia's president in the SSC Khatumo administration,…

Gobaladda Waqooyi oo ka hadashay heshiiska Itoobiya iyo qorshaha uga yaala gobolka Sool

 Jimco,  May, 24, 2024 (AX) - Wakiilka Gobaladda Waqooyi ee Kenya ayaa sheegay in gobolka Sool aanu Gobaladda Waqooyi ka go'i dooni, waxa kale oo uu sheegay in heshiiska Itoobiya iyo Gobaladda Waqooyi uu horumar dhaqaale u horseedi doono gobolka.Wakiilka  Maxamed A. Maxamuud oo waraysi gaar ah siiyay BBC Somali, ayaa sheegay in Gobaladda Waqooyi ay ka shaqaynayso nabada gobolka Sool, isaga oo kasoo horjeedsaday aqoonsiga Hogaamiyaha Soomaaliya ee maamulka SSC Khaatumo."Taasi waa fikirkiisa lakiin Gobaladda Waqooyi dhul…

SSC-Khatumo leader’s stern message to North Western of Somalia: No to conflict in Sool region

In Las Anod, the head of the SSC-Khatumo government, Abdikhadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye, cautioned North Western of Somalia about starting another conflict in Sool, Sanaag, and Ayn, vowing to protect their territories. Firdhiye addressed the SSC-Khatumo community in Rome, Italy, affirming that they will overcome the North Western of Somalia military in case of an assault in SSC areas. Moreover, Firdhiye mentioned that the recently established SSC administration is actively working to bring peace and stability to the…

Escalating Tensions Prompt North Western of Somalia’s Deployment of Troops and Artillery to Sool Region

North Western of Somalia Sends Troops and Weapons to Sool Area Amid Tensions In an unexpected turn of events, North Western of Somalia has begun deploying soldiers and heavy artillery to the outskirts of Oog in the Sool region. This move comes as tensions rise with SSC-Khatumo forces, raising the specter of potential conflict. The atmosphere has been fraught since North Western of Somalia was defeated and driven out of the area by SSC-Khatumo forces on August 25 last year. The dispatch of troops and heavy artillery signals…

Somaliland Forces Promise to Reclaim Control of Las Anod and Secure Sool Territory

In Hargeisa, the Somaliland military is determined to retake the Sool region, including the city of Lasanod, lost to local forces backed by Puntland. After suffering a major loss in August 2023, Somaliland forces were driven out of much of the Sool region, including Las Anod. Commander Nuh Ismail Tani of the Somaliland military highlighted the preparedness and resilience of his troops, despite recent setbacks. "Our soldiers, who bravely defend our nation, remain strong and steadfast," Tani stated in an interview with…

Four Youths in Sool Regional Court Sentenced Due to Backing from Somaliland

The four individuals, Hamdi Awil Mohamed, Nimco Jamal Mohamed, Khadra Awil Ali, and Abdiwali Jama Hassan, were convicted of inciting the public and showing patriotism by the court's chief.Evidence like videos and statements supporting Somaliland was used to convict them. The trial was held under Somalia's Criminal Code.This legal response comes after clashes in Las Anod, where control of the city was disputed last year. Somaliland lost control of the city to SSC forces after intense fighting.

Maxkamada Gobolka Sool oo xabsi iyo ganaax ku xukuntay dhallinyaro taageero u muujiyay Gobaladda Waqooyi

 Isniin, April, 6, 2024 (AX) - Maxkamada Gobolka Sool ee Maamulka SSC-Khaatumo ayaa 4 dhallinyaro ah oo da'adoodu u dhaxayso 19 ilaa 30 sanno ku xukuntay midkiiba 3 sanno oo xadhig ah iyo 500 oo dollar oo ganaax ah.Guddoomiyaha Maxkamada oo adeegsanaya Xeerka Ciqaabta Soomaaliya, ayaa sheegay in dhallinyarada lagu helay in ay galeen danbi ah kicin dadwayne iyo qarandumisnimo, isla markaana ay qirteen danbiga ay galeen, sidaasna lagu xukumay.Waxa uu sheegay in xeer ilaalintu ay heshay muuqaalo iyo hadalo muujinaya…

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