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Somalia: Farmajo dragged into the North Western of Somaliaelectoral committee

Somalia: Farmajo dragged into disputes over North Western of Somaliaelectoral committee MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is once again on the spot for the current stalemate between Somaliland's senior leaders and the federal government, following differences in the appointment of members of the electoral committee. With just 14 days to go before the start of…

Hashi and Gulaid combat over North Western of Somalia electoral committee

MOGADISHU, Somalia | A heated dispute has erupted between Senate Speaker Abdi Hashi and Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Gulaid over the composition of the members of the electoral committee, which will lead the exercise from July 25, when the country faces the elections. Both sides, the reports say, want to control the election of North Western of Somalialawmakers to the federal parliament. The two political bigwigs argued over the composition of the elections committee, almost blocking the exercise due to endless battles.…

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