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Northeastern State rejects extension of hydrocarbon authorization deadlines

Northeastern State rejects extension of hydrocarbon authorization deadlines MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Northeastern State regional government has categorically rejected an extension of the authorization deadlines for hydrocarbons, which was issued by the Somali Petroleum Authority who is domiciled in Mogadishu. Over the past two years, the quest for control over mineral resources has intensified…

Al-Shabaab hit laborious as military seizes key metropolis in central Somalia

Al-Shabaab hit hard as army seizes key central Somali town MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali national army on Tuesday recaptured the town of Ba'adweyn from al-Shabaab militants, more than four months after the region was captured by the al-Qaida-linked group, which controls large swathes of rural central and southern parts of the country. Somalia. Al-Shabaab has used the strategic city to unleash…

Somalia’s army kills 15 al-Shabab terrorists

The Somali military has killed 15 al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab terrorists in the central Galgaduud region, according to a statement issued on Sunday. An operation was carried out by Gorgor, the Somali special forces trained by Turkey, in the village of El Dhere, 15 kilometers south of Dhusamareb, the capital of the state of Galmuduug. In a brief statement on Twitter, the Somali army said dozens of al-Shabab terrorists were also injured in the operation. A large weapons cache was also seized during the…

Somali area raises funds for victims of atrocities in Tigray

Ethiopia's Somali region raises funds for victims of Tigray atrocities JIGJIGA, Ethiopia - Leaders from the Somali region of Ethiopia have launched a fundraiser aimed at raising funds for victims of atrocities in the Tigray region, as part of one of the latest humanitarian efforts to reduce loss of life possible due to hunger. In the past seven months, the Tigray region has been the scene of…

Former al-Shabaab deputy head begins starvation strike in Mogadishu

Former al-Shabaab deputy chief begins hunger strike in Mogadishu MOGADISHU, Somalia - Mukhtar Robow, the former deputy head of Al-Shabaab began his third day of hunger strike in Mogadishu on Saturday, which could spark further debate over his continued house arrest, more than two years after his arrest in Baidoa , the regional administrative capital of Southwest. A government source told…

Report reveals how senior ministers concerned in unlawful fishing in

Report reveals how senior ministers involved in illegal fishing in Somalia NAIROBI, Kenya - A report released by Global Initiative has implicated senior Somali government officials in facilitating lucrative illegal fishing along the Indian Ocean coast, in what could spark a political storm in the country, which is already underway. electoral. The explosive report titled “Illegal Fishing in…

TDF parade captured Ethiopian troopers in Mekelle, marching them in the direction of

TDF parade captured Ethiopian soldiers in Mekelle and took them to jail TIGRAY, Ethiopia - Thousands of Ethiopian national defense forces soldiers marched through the streets of Mekelle, the regional administrative capital of Tigray, before being taken to various prisons in the region which have witnessed massive war crimes over the past eight months. ENDF troops withdrew from the Tigray region…

EDITORIAL: On Independence Day Somalia ought to aspire to a rebirth

EDITORIAL: On Independence Day Somalia should aspire to a rebirth EDITORIAL | Somalia turns 61 on Thursday and it's no wonder its people from all walks of life are celebrating. July 1 has always been Somalia's most memorable day, as it laid the groundwork for what should be Somalia today. On that day, when members of the Trust Territory of Somalia, originally known as Italian Somaliland, and…

Kenya envoy meets Somali prime minister weeks after relations normalize

Kenya envoy meets Somali prime minister weeks after relations normalize MOGADISHU, Somalia - Kenya's relationship with Somalia could help improve regional integration, given the latest dramatic change of mind, after months of wrangling that even drew international actors including the Intergovernmental Authority and the development . Somalia had not severed diplomatic ties with Kenya, resulting…

Somalia at 61: Struggles, Ache and Hope

Somalia at 61: Struggles, Pain and Hope MOGADISHU, Somalia - Exactly 61 years ago today, the Blue Flag was hoisted in several parts of Somalia, with citizens thronging the streets to celebrate independence after the Italians gave up and returned to Rome, but leaving behind them traces of colonialism. Already, messages of goodwill have started pouring in congratulating Somalis on their…

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