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somalia news

Raysal wasaare ku xigeenka dalka oo qaabilay Orodyahan guul weyn u soo hooyay Soomaaliya

 Arbaco, April, 17, 2024 (AX) - Ku-simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha, Raysal Wasaare ku xigeenka Xukuumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya Saalax Axmed Jaamac ayaa xafiiskiisa magaalada Muqdisho ku qaabilay Cabdullaahi Jaamac Maxamed oo ah Orodyahan Soomaaliyeed oo dalka u soo hooyay dhawaan guul muhiim ah.Orodyahankaan ayaa guul ka soo hooyey orodka 5000 ee mitir oo ahaa kulankii 13-aad ee ciyaaraha Afrikaanka oo ka dhacay magaalada Accra ee Caasimadda dalka Ghana 22-kii bishii Maarso 2024, isagoona kusoo guuleystay billad qalin ah.…

northeastern oo sheegtay inay kalsoonidii kala noqotay xildhibaanada ku matala labada aqal ee baarlamaanka

 Arbaco, April, 17, 2024 (AX) - Maamulka northeastern ayaa sheegay inuu kalsoonidii kala noqday xildhibaanada ku matala labada aqal ee baarlamaanka ee kasoo horjeeda go'aannada ay northeastern ka qaadatay xiriirka dowladda federaalka.northeastern waxay sheegtay in xildhibaanadaas aysan northeastern ku matali karin Muqdisho.Wasiirka warfaafinta northeastern Maxamuud Caydiid Dirir ayaa yiri hadalkaan, isagoo sheegay in xildhibaanada ay northeastern u dirsatay Muqdisho, ay mucaarad ku noqdeen deegaanadii lagasoo…

Dadka dagan dhulka Dab damiska oo diidan iney ka guuraan dhulkaas

 Jimco, April, 19, 2024 (AX) - Waxaa dood aad u weyn ay ka taagan tahay dhulka xaruntii ciidanka dab damiska ee magaalada Muqdisho oo ay dagan yihiin dad shacab ah mudo aad u dheer, kuwaas oo Booliiska Soomaaliya uu amray iney isaga guuraan dhulkaas.Taliska ciidanka Booliiska Soomaaliya ayaa dhamaadka sanadkii tagay soo saaray amar ku socday dadka degan dhulka dab damiska, kaasoo ahaa in mudo ku siman laba bilood looga guuro dhulkaas, hayeeshee amarkaasi oo ku ekaa 25 bishii Janaayo ee sanadkan ma noqon mid dhaqan…

Roobabka Guga oo si rasmi ah uga curtay gobolka Hiiraan

 Jimco, April, 19, 2024 (AX) - Roobabka Guga ayaa si rasmi ah curtay inta badan degmooyinka gobolka Hiiraan oo mudooyinkii dambe ay ka jireen kuleel aad u daran oo aan noociisa waayahii dambe la arag.Magaaloiyinka Baledweyne, Buula burte, Jalalaqsi, Halgan, Maxaas iyo Moqokori ayaa dhamaantood waxaa saacadahii lasoo dhaafay ka da'ay roobab aad u wanaagsan oo ay ku diirsadeen dadka iyo duunyadaba.Magaalooyinka gobolka Hiiraan oo ay ugu horeyso Baledweyne ayaa tan iyo bishii Ramadaan waxaa ka jiray kuleyl aad u daran oo ay…

Turkey and Somalia to commence drilling for offshore oil in 2025 after striking energy agreement.

Expanding on the recent agreement regarding offshore oil and natural gas, Türkiye and Somalia are now set to develop Somalia's rich oil resources. The deal encompasses oil exploration, exploitation, development, and production on both land and sea blocks in Somalia. Minister Bayraktar laid out a specific timeline, noting, "We will start seismic activities next year and aim to conduct deep-sea drilling by 2025." This highlights the growing relationship between the two countries, evident in a defense treaty and increased…

Hogaamiye Xasan Sheekh oo guddoomiyay shirka amniga ee Caasimadda

 Arbaco, April, 17, 2024 (AX) - Hogaamiyaha dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya ahna Taliyaha guud ee ciidamada qalabka sida Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta guddoomiyay shirka amniga gobolka Banaadir.Shirkaan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay Raysal wasaaraha Xukuumadda Fedaraalka Xamse Cabdi Barre, Wasiirada kala ah Amniga iyo Gaashaandhiga, Taliyeyaasha ciidamada Qalabka sida, guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir iyo guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir.Shirkaan ayaa ahaa mid diiradda lagu saaray  dardar galinta tallaaabooyinka…

Somaliland progresses with new port development in Lughaya while engaging in talks with Ethiopia regarding agreements

From an overhead perspective, Lughaya Beach shines brightly against the calm blue waters of the Gulf of Aden, preparing to host a new port as part of the recent agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland. In the Awdal region, Somaliland is pushing forward with plans to construct a modern port in the historic city of Lughaya, as discussions about strategic partnerships with Ethiopia continue. $1 million has been set aside by the government for the project, along with anticipated contributions from local business figures and…

Somalia’s federal forces eliminate 30 militants and Al-Shabaab leaders in Jubba operation

A mission was carried out in various spots near the Jubba River, including Jiimay, Bangeeni, and Bandar Jadid in the Jamame district of the Lower Jubba area.As per an announcement from the government, more than 30 Al-Shabaab members, including important figures and fighters, were killed during the operation."The Kharijites faced heavy losses, with over 30 leaders and combatants eliminated. Additionally, we have taken in a number of injured individuals," as stated in the government release.The leaders in charge of the mission…

Somalia’s newly appointed ambassador to Turkey seeks to enhance mutual security and commerce relations.

Before leaving, Ambassador Ospite discussed strengthening ties with his Turkish counterpart in Mogadishu, Ambassador Alper Aktas. Their talks centered on boosting security and trade relations. "We talked about improving our ties, focusing on security and trade," Ambassador Ospite remarked.Appointment of Ambassador Ospite is part of Somalia's broader diplomatic push, with ten new ambassadors being deployed worldwide this year.Enhancing Defence Relations Amid Rising Regional TensionsThis diplomatic exchange coincides with a…

Somalia urges quick resolution of tribal conflicts in South West

Aliyow passionately urged the communities to prioritize peace, highlighting the interconnectedness of their fates. He stressed that coexistence was not a mere whim but a divine decree. He implored them to end the strife, revere God, and embrace harmony. The astute in their midst should champion peace and discourage conflict. Aliyow further expressed his ministry's willingness to work with the Minister of Transport to help resolve the escalating disputes. The relentless tribal battles have not only disrupted the regions but…

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