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Israeli Troops Conduct Raid and Shut Down Al Jazeera’s Ramallah Office

Israeli soldiers stormed Al Jazeera’s office in Ramallah, demanding the Doha-based news outlet cease operations as part of escalating measures against press freedom.Masked, heavily-armed Israeli troops burst into Al Jazeera’s headquarters, presenting a 45-day shutdown order to West Bank bureau chief, Walid al-Omari, early Sunday morning.Al-Omari reported the military cited “promoting and supporting terrorism” as reasons for the closure.According to Al Jazeera’s Jivara Budeiri, Israeli forces deployed tear gas around the…

Burundian authorities shut down operations

After criticizing several months of contracts with several international companies operating in rare earth metals, gold or coltan, Burundian President Évariste Ndayishimiye has ordered the suspension of all mining activities from these companies since July 14, pending renegotiation of the binding agreements. those, as the Minister responsible for mines confirms RFI.…

Twitter is still shut down in Nigeria

The suspension follows a government decision announced on Friday evening, June 4. The platform has been in the eyes of the authorities for several months, especially due to its mobilizing role during the demonstrations against police violence in October last year. as reported from Lagos, Liza FabbianDespite the restrictions,…

oil production is shut down after emissions

In Libya, the National Petroleum Company declared a state of force majeure following an interruption in production and exports at one of the most important oil terminals in the eastern country. This time it is not the consequence of furious battles or strikes, but the lack of budget that upsets the insurgents of the oil sites.…

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